回复 :影片围绕前特警队长东谷(安志杰 饰)的故事展开,歹徒袭击法庭,东谷在任务中罹患永久性失明,任务之后更是被胁迫承担失败责任。东谷在女儿的陪伴下逐渐走出阴霾并适应了自己失明的眼睛,曾经的宿敌再度出现,女儿陷入危险之中,东谷为救女儿,展开生死盲战。
回复 :舒奇(杜汶泽 饰)和香香(薛凯琪 饰)同为烂赌之人,二人因在澳门赌博时同时欠下巨额高利贷而相识,并由彼此互看不爽到互生爱意。于是回港后,两人决定结婚。婚后,两人的事业都风生水起。舒奇进入了电影圈并因投资人Michelle(胡然 饰)的垂青而担任男主角。香香则因为赌术精湛而被赌场老板Sam(伍允龙 饰)高薪聘请对付老千。同时,二人事业上的伯乐在生活中也对二人示好并展开追求,更为让舒奇与香香离婚,并且获得女儿的抚养权而不择手段。而最终舒奇和香香也发现,原来他们对彼此来说要比想象中的重要……
回复 :San Francisco Tong hatchet man Wong must execute his boyhood friend Sun. Sun knew his time was up and wrote out his will just prior to Wong showing up at his door. When Sun realizes Wong is there to kill me he tries to set his friend's mind at ease by telling him he is the beneficiary of all Sun's worldly possessions and convinces Wong to promise to take care of Sun's young daughter, Toya San who Sun has bequeathed to become his wife. Years later, when she becomes of age, she marries Wong, now a powerful figure, though she loves evil Harry. When Wong learns Toya will be happier with Harry he allows them to leave. Still later Wong learns that Harry has been deported and since Toya could not prove she was married to someone else she too was deported to China. When Wong learns of this, he goes after them.