回复 :Celia Dawson和Alan Buttershaw在少年时曾有过一段朦胧的感情,但无常的命运将两人分开。60年后,这对年逾古稀的鳏寡老人通过,这对年逾古稀的鳏寡老人通过孙子们的帮忙在脸书上重温旧情,且一发不可收拾。二见钟情的两人决定结婚,可不省心的孩子们并不看好这段恋情,也给他们找了不少麻烦。究竟二人能否突破阻碍终成眷属?看老戏骨Sir Derek Jacobi和Anne Reid如何共同演绎一段温馨浪漫的黄昏之恋。
回复 :本剧的剧名,Chaos是Clandestine Administration and Oversight Services的首字母简称,意即:绝密行动管理与监督服务机构。这部剧集虽然是间谍剧、动作剧,但同时是一部喜剧(故事喜剧)。该剧讲述四名顶级特工加盟Chaos,秘密对付那些政府无法处理或者无心处理的腐败官员、恐怖分子和流氓大亨。
回复 :In the fourth series, Susan is looking forward to the birth of her first grandchild, but dreading being a grandmother. Nick is getting fed up with living in his ghastly flat and trying to think of a way to move back into the family home. The gap between Michael's IQ and the rest of the family's seems to be increasing, but so is his libido. And Abi is still Abi, only more so! As for perennially put-upon Ben, what with a new arrival causing chaos in the surgery, being forced to take tango lessons and being officially declared dead, life is just one long major-league cirsis.