汉娜神偷容碧华乘乞儿会卖武时向旁观者施以空空妙手, 情贼林英伟亦被盗去银両, 乞儿会不甘被捣乱, 与华结怨. 伟跟踪华返家, 得悉华与舅父卜大豪欲盗取龙员外的御赐宝玉, 为免宝玉落入他们手中, 伟抢先将宝玉盗去, 再物归原主, 龙小姐因而对伟倾慕不已. 华与乞儿会的麻面婆狭路相逢大打出手, 伟助麻脱险, 与乞儿会中人结为知交. 伟为替乞儿会筹募经费, 假意向豪兜售宝玉, 二人谈不拢, 展开恶斗, 伟误堕豪机关...... (续下集大结局)
汉娜神偷容碧华乘乞儿会卖武时向旁观者施以空空妙手, 情贼林英伟亦被盗去银両, 乞儿会不甘被捣乱, 与华结怨. 伟跟踪华返家, 得悉华与舅父卜大豪欲盗取龙员外的御赐宝玉, 为免宝玉落入他们手中, 伟抢先将宝玉盗去, 再物归原主, 龙小姐因而对伟倾慕不已. 华与乞儿会的麻面婆狭路相逢大打出手, 伟助麻脱险, 与乞儿会中人结为知交. 伟为替乞儿会筹募经费, 假意向豪兜售宝玉, 二人谈不拢, 展开恶斗, 伟误堕豪机关...... (续下集大结局)
回复 :卡斯、道奇和艾瑞丝是三个患难朋友。卡斯的父亲因欠下高额赌债几乎要被黑道杀害,为了替父亲还钱,他急需尽快筹到资金。黑人男孩道奇和白人女孩艾瑞丝是一对情侣,艾瑞丝怀有身孕,两个人必须为将来做设想。为了钱,三人相约来到道奇家举办的派对上担任侍应生,其实是想趁乱盗取对方的钱财。到了道森府邸后,三人隐隐约约感到这里的人周身散发的些许怪异,尤其是道森家的儿子艾略特,令人一眼望去不寒而栗。夜幕降临,客人们三三两两来到派对,主宾围坐餐桌,讲述各自心路历程,而卡斯等人伺机行动。而就在此时,艾略特兽性大发,引起了连番的杀戮……
回复 :Martha and Félix are the children of the Butcher of Mons, a notorious Belgian serial killer from the 1990s. Unstable and riddled with insecurities, Martha lives vicariously through social media. Her brother, crushed by the family legacy, takes over their father's killings. Harassed and violently assaulted at work, the docile Martha falls into madness and goes through the looking glass into the strange and terrifying world inhabited by her brother.
回复 :Brazilian town of Santa An-du-Agreshte welcomes his "prodigal daughter" Tieta, after a very long absence. When Tieta was 17, her father and older sister threw her out of the house "for bad behavior." And she returns home - very beautiful and, most importantly, fabulously rich. Her appearance causes a stir in the small town lost in time and space. After all, Tieta has more money than all of its residents, and she becomes the main benefactor of the town. But her older sister, burning with envy and dreaming to bring Titus "to light", suits against her a conspiracy ...