春暖Olivia, A New York-based journalist travels to Turkey when she receives news that her sister Marla is pregnant. Marla recently ended a relationship but decides to keep the baby and that's when sinister things begin to occur.
春暖Olivia, A New York-based journalist travels to Turkey when she receives news that her sister Marla is pregnant. Marla recently ended a relationship but decides to keep the baby and that's when sinister things begin to occur.
回复 :While returning from a military expedition a helicopter crash lands a commando unit in a dense, remote tropical jungle – a lost world populated by dinosaurs. Now they must find a way out of this isolated valley before becoming prey for prehistoric predators.
回复 :1940年,日军华北五省特务机关长吉川贞佐就任,加强对占领区军统及地下党情报作战,成为国共双方的重大威胁。党组织指示除奸队长陈宽与军统豫站站长叶子方联手行动,打入日军特务机关总部,近距离刺杀了吉川。
回复 :影片讲述了三仙女下嫁凡人的神话爱情故事,相传三娘湾原来只有三个英俊的小伙子居住,他们共在一条船上,共用一番网,共住一个舱,相依为命一天,三个仙女下凡,发现这独特的海湾和勤劳英俊的小伙子,决定下嫁人间。玉帝得知,允许暂住三年。丈夫出海打鱼,妻子在家织网,相亲相爱,生儿育女,过着美满的生活。