回复 :The story of Yeon-Hee who appears to be having a happily married life but is actually experiencing domestic violence. Little by little, Yeon-Hee begins to fall into danger after her SNS account was hacked.
回复 :As soon as Muzamil is born in a village in Sudan, a saint in the village predicts, “This child will die of twenty.” Unable to accept the curse, under the overprotection of his single mother, Muzamil turns 19 years old. It shows the outstanding Mise-en-Scène.
回复 :一场突如其来的地震波及整个灌城化工园区,管道泄漏触发爆炸不断。浓烟滚滚、火光冲天,灾难迅速升级,如果任其蔓延,整座城市将被夷为平地……面对要救火又要救人的严峻考验,消防救援站一众队员第一时间奔赴重灾区,危难时刻争分夺秒,用生命守护生命。