无处Two couples and their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, deal with the complications of dating, commitment and marriage.
无处Two couples and their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, deal with the complications of dating, commitment and marriage.
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回复 :此 《名门》的时代背景是民国四年,当时军阀割据,段一虎及彭彪俱是当时手握重兵的军阀。 段家以一虎为首,共有妻妾四人,子女四人。长子玉珽最得父亲疼爱,玉珽原是教会神甫李约瑟的私生子,另有一亲弟谢天生流落在外,其后加入革命政府,被派来段家作卧底,兄弟见面不相识。 天生来到四川,认识了女教师韩湘,二人十分投契,而天生为了方便工作,娶了段家四小姐玉琪为妻。玉琪后来得悉天生的身份,甘愿为他而背叛老父。 另一方面,天生得悉与玉珽的关系后,要求玉珽投向南军,但玉珽早已答应了养父一虎,他实不知如何 抉择……剧情发展高潮迭起。
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