回复 :活著(郑嘉颖 饰)是拥有不死之身的僵尸猎人,他隐藏了真实的身份,希望有朝一日能够捕获和自己有着百年怨仇的僵尸凌风(陈山聪 饰)。何年(黄又南 饰)、何月(陈嘉宝 饰)和简霆斯(陆永 饰)是活著的徒弟,活著教授他们猎杀僵尸的本领,一行人是活著极为信任的左膀右臂。一次偶然中,活著得知有一名拥有着特异功能的女法医梦南(谢安琪 饰),她能够同尸体对话一分钟。不出活著所料,梦南正是藏身在人类之中的僵尸。活著想要杀死梦南以尽职责,却遭到了梦南的祖母黄紫红(罗兰 饰)的苦苦阻拦,再加之梦南一直抑制本性从未伤害过人类,活著对她网开一面。某日,梦兰在妹妹梦瑶(陈凯琳 饰)的面前不慎露出了真面目,使得梦瑶惊吓过度精神崩溃,活著留在了梦瑶的身边,悉心照料着她。
回复 :FOX宣布续订新剧《路西法》第二季。
回复 :Rachel James is shot through her kitchen window while having breakfast early one morning. She was having an affair with Dr. Julian Storrs, an Oxford professor who is a candidate for Master of Lonsdale College. When her next door neighbor is also killed however, Morse determines that the shooting of James may have been in error. Morse also suspects that he may have been a blackmailer. Both Storrs an his rival for the Masters position, Denis Cornford had secrets that would make them suspects. Morse determines that several others also had things to hide and any one of them could have committed the murders.