1953年,国产Stan Laurel和Oliver "Babe" Hardy是世界上最受欢迎的喜剧二人组,国产在英国综艺厅进行巡演。随着年龄的增长和他们作为好莱坞喜剧之王的黄金时代的结束,他们面临着不确定的未来。两人开始在全国各地巡回演出,观众人数少得令人失望,但是他们总是能够让彼此开怀大笑,他们表演的魅力和美丽也在观众的笑声中闪耀,他们与大批崇拜他们的粉丝重新建立了联系,不管是新的还是老的。
1953年,国产Stan Laurel和Oliver "Babe" Hardy是世界上最受欢迎的喜剧二人组,国产在英国综艺厅进行巡演。随着年龄的增长和他们作为好莱坞喜剧之王的黄金时代的结束,他们面临着不确定的未来。两人开始在全国各地巡回演出,观众人数少得令人失望,但是他们总是能够让彼此开怀大笑,他们表演的魅力和美丽也在观众的笑声中闪耀,他们与大批崇拜他们的粉丝重新建立了联系,不管是新的还是老的。
回复 :No matter the cost, No matter the danger. They will find the truth.A judge commits suicide, and his secretary is found murdered. A homeless deaf-mute man, Carl Anderson is arrested for her murder. Public defender Kathleen is assigned by the court as his lawyer. She sets to find the real killer, and gets help from the congressional advisor, Eddie Sanger who is called to be on the jury panel. Together they discover a dangerous circle of corruption in high places.本片描述的是由女书记员凶杀案而引出的一系列官场上的是非之事。一个精明得七情六欲尽写在脸上的陪审员,他一方面为了本身的政治游说工作不惜和徐娘半老的女议员上床,另一方面则主动热心地帮忙辩护律师搜集证据查案。由于按法律规定,辩护律师是不得跟陪审员来往的,而事情的发展却逼得两人之间的关系越陷越深。
回复 :母亲逝世后,白兰(张柏芝饰)飘洋过海,前往韩国仁川市投靠素未谋面的叔叔,但到了那里才知道叔叔已移民加拿大。她钱财用尽,无奈下只好同人假结婚以获取居留权。白兰从没有见过 “丈夫”李江齐(崔岷植饰),身边只有他的一张照片和一个名字。白兰辛苦打工、身体过劳,生活孤单外还要忍受四周的眼光。唯一带给她安慰的是房里那张“丈夫”的照片,她很感激这名素未谋面的陌生男子,但事实上,对方是个无所事事的中年混混,由于缺钱才会同意假结婚。命运让他们屡次错失见上一面的机会,一直到有件事情发生……
回复 :At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a naval officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the Dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.