:转自:http://www.filmlinc.com/nyff/2010/views-from-the-avant-garde-friday-october-1/views-from-the-avant-garde-jean-marie-straub“The end of paradise on earth.”—Jean-Marie StraubThe 33rd verse and last chant of “paradise” in Dante’s Divine Comedy. The film starts with verse 67, “O somma luce…” and continues to the end. “O Somma luce” recalls the first words uttered by Empedocles in Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s 1987 The Death of Empedocles—“O himmlisch Licht!…” (O heavenly light!). This extract from Hölderlin’s text is also inserted into their 1989 film Cézanne.“O somma luce” invokes utopia, or better still “u-topos,” Dante, Holderlin, Cézanne… the camera movement, recalling Sisyphus, in the film’s long shots, suggests its difficulty.In O somma luce, with Giorgio Passerone’s Dante and the verse that concluded the Divine Comedy, we find at the extremity of its possibilities, the almost happy speech of a man who has just left earthly paradise, who tries to fully realize the potential of his nature. Between the two we find the story of the world. The first Jean-Marie Straub film shot in HD.So singular are the textual working methods of Straub-Huillet, and now Straub on his own, that it is hard to grasp how far reaching they are. Direction is a matter of words and speech, not emotions and action. Nothing happens at the edges, everything is at the core and shines from there alone.During the rehearsals we sense a slow process by which ingredients (a text, actors, an intuition) progress towards cohesiveness. It is, forgive the comparison, like the kneading of dough. It is the assembling and working of something until it becomes something else… and, in this case, starts to shine. Actually it’s very simple, it’s just a question of opening up to the light material that has been sealed up. Here, the process of kneading is to bring to life and then reveal. The material that is worked on is speech. So it is speech that becomes visible—nothing else. “Logos” comes to the cinema.The mise en scène of what words exactly?The process of revealing, “phainestai”; “phainomenon,” the phenomenon, is what take splace, what becomes visible to the eye.Is “Straubie” Greece?This mise en scène of speech, which goes beyond a close reading of the chosen text, is truly comes from a distant source.—Barbara Ulrich
:花甲『搖滾女王』蒂娜-特娜年末告別歌壇在歌壇活躍數十年、並始終保持最佳狀態的老牌女歌手蒂娜-特娜被譽為娛樂圈的『搖滾女王』。今年年底,這位親歷搖滾樂界四十年風風雨雨的女歌手,將真的和舞臺說再見了。今年12月,蒂娜-特娜將在加州的安那罕舉行告別巡回演唱會的最後一場,正式宣布退出搖滾舞臺,開始享受悠哉的人生。而12月4日CBS電視臺也將為她制作播出特輯,其中包括她的多年的暢銷作品和對告別巡回演唱的回顧。整個巡回演出一共有116場,早早就已賣光入場券。在賭城進行的盛大演出,蒂娜特娜魅力四射,無敵風采令無數青春少女望塵莫及。蒂娜一生都以她活力四射的形象向生命做挑戰,四英寸高的高跟鞋更是她的注冊商標。雖然面對『退休』後的生活,暫時沒有什麼打算,不過她很幽默地表示自己可能有幾年會『徹底自由支配時間』。她的一生充滿傳奇色彩,早年的生活為名利奔忙十分辛苦,而今她在全球四處都有產業,早已是位居娛樂界金字塔的頂端,也正因如此,蒂娜將放下一切,在2001年展開新的人生。2000-12-12 00:00