回复 :As season four begins, the Roses are making the most of life in Schitt’s Creek, and —Moira’s constant talk of escaping aside— are finally starting to feel at home in the town. Johnny is busy running the motel with Stevie as his partner. Business is booming, but it’s a challenge for him to balance work and family, while dealing with Roland’s antics. Moira is carrying out her duties with Town Council and the Jazzagals, and is also looking for new ways to utilize her talents, whether it’s through a theatrical performance, or by helping Alexis navigate event planning. David is managing his store and attempting to maintain a brand new relationship, but between struggling to find the time for romance, and overcoming the anxieties of his dating past, this is proving to be a challenge. Meanwhile, Alexis is putting all of her energy into school and her career, but is finding it difficult to focus when she still has lingering feelings for her ex-fiancé, Ted.
回复 :华京生(黄秋生 饰)的母亲死后,父亲再娶了林莲好(吕有慧 饰)为妻,林莲好生下了华京生同父异母的弟弟华港生(吴岱融 饰)。华京生和家人的关系一直不好,在设计逼走林莲好之后,个性叛逆而又倔强的他和好友李劲泉(郑浩男 饰)一起前往台湾,加入了当地的黑帮。哪知道此时黑帮老大的情妇,正是他曾经的后母林莲好,而她的儿子鲁德培(郑伊健 饰)也在帮派之中。那边厢,个性懦弱而又胆小的华港生为了证明自己的能力,成为了一名警察,进入了鲁德培领导的黑帮做卧底,而不知华港生真实身份的鲁德培,竟然爱上了自己同母异父的兄弟。
回复 :【#無雙譜#即將開拍】1981年播出。包括易釵、 陸判及追魚等神話故事,帶出警世寓意!「 譜」意為面譜,「 無雙」即無相同者,反映人物的雙重性格,喻指面目相同的人未必有相同的心,即使同一個人也會幹出自相矛盾的事。#TVB將重拍此經典作品,2014年1月開機#。