回复 :政局腐败民不聊生的晚清末年,宋查理(姜文)凭借其在美国所获先进知识与孙中山(赵文瑄)合力,企图推翻满清。其后,宋查理留学美国的各具风情的三个女儿学成归国,老大宋霭龄(杨紫琼)下嫁商人孔祥熙(牛振华),老二宋庆龄(张曼玉)不顾父亲反对追随了革命者孙中山,老三宋美龄(邬君梅)则在先是革命者后是叛国者的蒋介石(吴兴国)的狂烈追求下成为其妇,三人的命运开始在动荡不安的政局中随着对其时的中国最重要的三个男人的命运沉浮。
回复 :The directorial debut of Korean superstar Jung Woo-sung (The Good, The Bad, The Weird) has everything you crave in a modern thriller: hi-octane action sequences, memorable characters, and Jung himself in the leading role.
回复 :While struggling on a solo backpacking trip in Thailand, social media influencer Madison meets CW, who travels with ease and shows her a more uninhibited way of living, but CW's interest in her takes a darker turn.