亚洲In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter.
亚洲In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter.
回复 :環境紀錄片導演柯金源,最新力作《海之岸》以跨領域、共創的方式,與人劇團表演藝術工作者,一起探索台灣海岸的各種意象,詮釋目前的環境議題,請大家用心感受激盪出的浪花。從景觀豪宅前的「弔唁」,藻礁與能源爭議喧囂後的「蠕動」,灘地退潮後的「物種演化」,填海造地上的「吶喊」,風機及消波塊環伺的「天舞」,石化工業區的「味覺」,廢水污染與地層下陷的「感知」,以及自然海岸的「體認」,用二元對比與隱喻的影像,展現出不一樣的創作風格。
回复 :陈永霖(谭耀文 饰)是一个在泰国居住和工作的心理咨询师,这一天他接待了名叫沙青(吕聿来 饰)的华人男子。沙青为人诚恳老实,与业余时间寻欢作乐的老板和同事全然不同。不久前,他邂逅了超凡脱俗的泰国女孩邢潇(宝儿 Treechada Petcharat 饰),双方迅速坠入爱河,并且没有通知任何人就悄悄举行了婚礼。然而之后发生的几件事让沙青心存芥蒂,偶然见到邢潇的老板和同事似乎都把她错认为曾经发生过关系的夜店女孩。邢潇矢口否认,怎奈沙青如鲠在喉,他甚至梦见老板在夜晚的街道被人杀死。不久后,老板真的神秘失踪,而沙青的精神也几乎崩溃,他好像越来越看不懂自己的妻子了……
回复 :The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exist.Featuring first-hand accounts of the incredible discoveries made by New Horizons from many of the scientists involved in the mission.