回复 :年轻的男同性恋阿哲(柯宇伦)对同龄人不感兴趣,爱上在游泳馆游泳时总是一言不发旁若无人的已婚男人冯伟(陈锦鸿),然而因为自信的缺失,他没敢同冯伟表白,而是借助与冯伟的妻子月纹(邱淑贞)发生性关系,在想象中完成与他的肌肤之亲。月纹的意外死亡令冯伟想起之前两人冷淡的关系,明白到月纹在心中所占分量,陷入自责中不能自拔,陪在他身边暗恋他的基佬(曾志伟)虽心疼却也不敢表示出太过直白的关心,只能规劝凡事想开慢慢会好。阿哲亦觉自己应为月纹的死负一定责任,愧疚地逃到台北,偶遇外形同月纹不差的rose(邱淑贞),借醉酒将自己的压抑吐出之后,rose要他对心诚实,可是她又有着怎样的心事,又是如何排解,却是无人能知。
回复 :This would definitely not have been my kind of movie, but my husband saw it on TV and said it was really good. So, on his recommendation, I bought a copy, since I didn't know if it would ever be on TV again. I had never heard of anybody in it except Armand Assante. At first I had a hard time getting into the story, because the first part of the movie is a jumble of images-- and it doesn't make much sense. It is only later in the movie that it all comes together. The scene-cutting- if that's what it's called, is a bit jarring-- it sometimes looks as if a few frames have been cut out of each scene, and the scenes are jerky--but I guess that was done to add to the unusualness (if that's a word). The story veers here and there, and just about the time you have it all figured out, everything turns upside down and you have to readjust your thinking as to who is the bad guy and who is not. Or bad woman. The acting is very good-- I kept thinking how much Norman Reedus looks like Leo Decaprio. The ending was a real twist, totally unexpected, which I liked. A good show.
回复 :In 2014, director Richard Linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows the same individual over 20 years, living in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. When we first meet Mir, he is a mischievous boy of seven living in a cave in central Afghanistan alongside the Buddhas of Bamiyan, two statues that were recently destroyed. For two decades, the film follows the adventures of his life, until, as an adult with a family of his own, he decides to pursue his own career as a news cameraman in Kabul. More than just a personal journey, My Childhood, My Country is an powerful examination of what has – and has not – been achieved in Afghanistan over the past 20 years.