本短片是特吕弗著名的“安托万系列”的第二部,日韩收在集锦片《20岁之恋》中。17岁的Antoine Doinel(Jean-Pierre Léaud 让-皮埃尔•李奥)对女孩Colette(Marie-France Pisier)一见钟情,日韩做毕一系列“热身准备”,他鼓足勇气向她搭讪,此后两人时常见面聊天、喝咖啡、听音乐会。Antoine以为Colette也钟情于他,做出近乎疯狂的举动对其展开更为热烈的追求,但Colette已有男朋友,只视他为普通朋友。
本短片是特吕弗著名的“安托万系列”的第二部,日韩收在集锦片《20岁之恋》中。17岁的Antoine Doinel(Jean-Pierre Léaud 让-皮埃尔•李奥)对女孩Colette(Marie-France Pisier)一见钟情,日韩做毕一系列“热身准备”,他鼓足勇气向她搭讪,此后两人时常见面聊天、喝咖啡、听音乐会。Antoine以为Colette也钟情于他,做出近乎疯狂的举动对其展开更为热烈的追求,但Colette已有男朋友,只视他为普通朋友。
回复 :从疫情间的行车纠纷到情侣吵架,喜剧演员利卡多·克维多检视那些考验我们耐心的荒谬状况。
回复 :Hamid’s (8) father has gone missing. His mother Ishrat has turned indifferent towards Hamid and the entire world after the incident. Neglected and lonely, with a heart searching for answers, Hamid star gazes in the hope of meeting his father. The number 786 always bewildered Hamid. One day a teacher tells Hamid that this is God’s number. Using his father’s old mobile phone, after trying different combinations, he finally manages to connect to a person, who he is convinced is God. On the other side is Abhay, a hard-knuckled CRPF Jawaan. Hamid’s phone call, though surprising at first, intrigues Abhay who engages in humouring Hamid. These two, unknowingly and unintentionally, change each other’s world for the better.
回复 :剧十五年前,奇峯山庄庄主曾利用做寿之际协同各路武林高手围剿人面桃花蜂。如今庄主年逾六旬,销声匿迹多年的人面桃花蜂又开始重出江湖。老庄主知道人面桃花蜂很有可能在自己的六十大寿上出现,于是将来宾和下人全部赶走,决定独自面对。少庄主小雷和丫环纤纤感情要好,为了不连累她并为雷家留 下骨肉, 小雷一改往日常态,将纤纤气走。同时小雷托付好朋友金川代为照顾纤纤,他自己要和奇峯山庄共存亡。