回复 :北洋政府统治时期,盘踞上海的军阀武大帅之子武七(文章 饰)为洗刷耻辱,辗转找到了前清遗老马走日(姜文 饰)求助。在此之后,马走日和在法租界当警督的发小项飞田(葛优 饰)联手策划了名为“花域总统选举”的大型选美活动,和马从小就认识的现总统完颜英(舒淇 饰)成功卫冕。谁知就在繁华喧嚣的最顶点,命运之车竟急转直下驶向深渊。在一个平凡的早上,完颜陈尸郊野,张皇失措的马走日找到武七的姐姐武六(周韵 饰)及其母亲齐老师(洪晃 饰),希望通过大帅帮自己洗刷杀人犯的罪名,结果却盲打误撞救下了险些被整死的项飞田。背负杀人犯之名的马绝路逃亡,而武六则以该事件拍摄了名为《枪毙马走日》的电影,马的命运愈加扑朔迷离……本片根据民国奇案“阎瑞生案”改编。
回复 :Prey is coming to Hulu August 5“Prey,” an all-new action-thriller from 20th Century Studios directed by Dan Trachtenberg (“The Boys,” “10 Cloverfield Lane”) and the newest entry in the “Predator” franchise, will stream August 5, 2022, exclusively on Hulu.Set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, “Prey” is the story of a young woman, Naru, a fierce and highly skilled warrior. She has been raised in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. The prey she stalks, and ultimately confronts, turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal, resulting in a vicious and terrifying showdown between the two adversaries.“Prey” is directed by Dan Trachtenberg, written by Patrick Aison (“Jack Ryan,” “Treadstone”), and produced by John Davis (“Jungle Cruise,” “The Predator”) and Jhane Myers (“Monsters of God”), with Lawrence Gordon (“Watchmen”), Marty Ewing (“It: Chapter Two”), James E. Thomas, John C. Thomas and Marc Toberoff (“Fantasy Island”) serving as executive producers.The filmmakers were committed to creating a film that provides an accurate portrayal of the Comanche and brings a level of authenticity that rings true to its Indigenous peoples. Myers, an acclaimed filmmaker, Sundance Fellow and member of the Comanche nation herself, is known for her attention and dedication to films surrounding the Comanche and Blackfeet nations and her passion for honoring the legacies of the Native communities. As a result, the film features a cast comprised almost entirely of Native and First Nation’s talent, including Amber Midthunder (“The Ice Road,” “Roswell, New Mexico”), newcomer Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp (“Sooyii”), Michelle Thrush (“The Journey Home”), Julian Black Antelope (“Tribal”).
回复 :陈丽娜(梁咏琪 饰)在广州工作,认识了会计师于晓东(邵兵 饰)。恋爱之后,晓东向丽娜求婚,二人想在香港补摆喜酒,丽娜索性辞去工作回港安排。晓东的弟弟于日东(陈柏霖 饰)在香港任职航行公司地勤经理,有自己的住所,为了节俭,丽娜搬去和日东同住,睡在客房。好事多磨,晓东的女秘书暗恋了他八年,突然示爱!晓东心猿意马,反省之后,发现自己不是一个好丈夫!强烈良心责备之下暗暗悔婚,向丽娜提出离婚!丽娜如跌入深渊,留在日东家,无法面对,终日神不守舍。日东还帮忙善后,代晓东向丽娜的家人和朋友致歉,并鼓励丽娜与其忧愁苦恼,不如面对现实,和晓东分开,重新站起来。二人继续一起生活,像兄妹和知己,互相扶持着。渐渐,两人之间有了爱意,可日东却总把情绪抑压在心里。最终,这一对有情人是否可以跨越内心的障碍,携手走下去?