回复 :《蓝衣士兵》是一部1970年的修正主义西部片,取材于印第安人战争期间发生于美国科罗拉多州的沙溪大屠杀事件,被广泛认为是在隐喻美国在越南的战争罪行。影片讲述一名美军士兵与一位通晓印第安人文化的白人女子在大西部的遭遇。二人成为了美军屠杀印第安人事件的目击者与亲历者。
回复 :The sister of a famous, but as yet uncaught, criminal named The Hexer is murdered. Inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard believes that The Hexer will surface to take his revenge on his sister's killers, and plans to set a trap to finally capture him. However, soon bodies start piling up, and it looks as if The Hexer may get away yet again
回复 :I Don’t Belong Anywhere - Le Cinéma de Chantal Akerman, explores some of the Belgian filmmaker’s 40 plus films. From Brussels to Tel-Aviv, from Paris to New-York, this documentary charts the sites of her peregrinations. An experimental filmmaker, a nomad, Chantal Akerman shares her cinematic trajectory, one that has never ceased to interrogate the the meaning of her existence. Thanks in great part to the interventions of her editor, Claire Atherton, she delineates the origins of her film language and her aesthetic stance.