好家伙坏伙In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the southern border to asylum in Mexico.
好家伙坏伙In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the southern border to asylum in Mexico.
回复 :林间公路,面无表情的杰克(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)搭载了一名汽车抛锚的女子。女子自作聪明,聒噪无比,最终被杰克用千斤顶砸死。这起事件仿佛为杰克打开了一扇地狱之门,从此他走上了充满血液和寒冰的魔鬼之路。他对美有着偏执极端的追求,他从物质到精神都有着高度洁癖,他亲手为自己设计完美的房屋,却往往因为不满意而彻底拆掉。在此期间,杀戮让杰克体会到莫大的快感。他自诩为“精致先生”,将女性锁定为所猎杀的目标。他的胆子越来越大,不仅将谋杀现场的照片寄给报社,更游戏般地周旋徘徊在警方和受害者面前。这不仅是残酷血腥的猫捉老鼠的游戏,更是他为了终极目标所做的策划经营!
回复 :在伊朗的一所幼儿园里,尽管有严格的法律规定,男孩和女孩仍然可以一起上学。好奇的小男孩罗汉姆爱上了拉娜,发现了她复杂家庭生活的秘密。
回复 :一个年轻的拿破仑军官追踪一个神秘的女人而来到一个年迈男爵的城堡,在那里他发现这个女人是听命于一个老巫婆,其最终目的是迫使男爵自杀……Roger directed for two days on a set left over from a previous production, and without a proper script. He hired Francis Coppola to write a script and finish the picture. After five weeks of shooting, Roger fired Francis, and hired me to finish the picture. Jack Hill was hired to write a new script with me. A lot of what Francis shot was thrown out, except for the stuff with the witch from WIZARD OF OZ. (Dorothy Newman), and I finished the picture in five days of shooting. All of the interiors are Roger's (with the exception of Francis's witch's lair), and most of the exteriors are mine. To the best of my recollection, and contrary to legend, Jack Nicholson did not direct any of the film.