回复 :2022年地球收到一份来自未来的召唤:30年后的地球遭遇未知物种的攻击,面临灭种危机,为了拯救地球,丹(克里斯·帕拉特 饰)被招募为战士去到未来,支持地球上人类的最后一战。直到亲眼所见,丹才终于知道人类所面临的对手竟是是以人为食的残暴怪兽………关乎人类存亡的最后一场大战拉开帷幕......
回复 :为了向女友和她的父亲证明自己,失败的修车员踏上朝圣之旅,却在途中遇到了种种意外。
回复 :Afghanistan 2014. While troops are on the verge of withdrawal, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his section are assigned a control and surveillance mission in a remote valley of the Wakhan, on the Pakistan border. Despite their determination, Antarès and his men gradually lose control of what is supposedly a calm sector. Then one September night, soldiers in the valley mysteriously disappear.