春暖Two cricket journalists set off on a journey to the heart of the game they love, only to stumble upon one of the biggest sporting scandals ever. This is a film about passion, greed, power - and standing up for what you care about.
春暖Two cricket journalists set off on a journey to the heart of the game they love, only to stumble upon one of the biggest sporting scandals ever. This is a film about passion, greed, power - and standing up for what you care about.
回复 :Orhan Pamuk – Turkey's Nobel laureate for Literature – opens a museum in Istanbul. A museum that's a fiction: its objects trace a tale of doomed love in 1970's Istanbul. The film takes a tour of the objects as the starting point for a trip through love stories, landscapes and the chemistry of the city.
回复 :因为父母的死,希利亚(莫尼卡·凯娜 Monica Keena 饰)心中一直有着深深的内疚感,在她成长的路上,这种沉重的感受如影随形,让希利亚内心无法获得平静。更神秘的是,每当她遇到危难,总是有一个不知名的人相救,这一切让她的生活充满离奇。21岁的生日,是改变了她一生命运的日子。她在派对上遭到不良伙伴的侵害,被施暴后残害之死。从此,她进入了另一片世界,这里有着比人间更恐怖的一切,随时有怪兽潜伏在四周等待着将她吞噬。在这片暗夜当中,希利亚必须赶紧逃亡,而神秘人是否能再次助她逃过噩运……
回复 :澳门两大黑帮洪兴帮和义英帮为争夺赌场利益火并数月后决定言和,不想这时江湖上传出洪兴帮老大崩牙华已出五百万高价聘请外来杀手,准备不日刺杀义英帮大哥高佬忠。为保证高佬忠的安全以免天下再次大乱,崩牙华派出手下得力干将也是腐败警察的阿琛(梁朝伟)去阻止事情发生。光头杀手耀东( 刘青云)和神秘女子阿凤(邵美琪)常在阿琛左右出没,不断给他制造麻烦。原来,耀东是黑帮幕后老大洪先生派来的粉碎洪兴帮和义英帮的超级杀手,他的杀人手段十分精妙狠绝。经过一番安排,耀东制造出崩牙华与高佬忠均死于阿琛手中的局面,然而他的命运亦不掌控在自己手中。