走出The inspirational true story of World Champion Boxer Vinny Pazienza. Who after a near fatal car crash which left him not knowing if he'd ever walk again...Made one of sports most incredible comebacks.
走出The inspirational true story of World Champion Boxer Vinny Pazienza. Who after a near fatal car crash which left him not knowing if he'd ever walk again...Made one of sports most incredible comebacks.
回复 :伦敦著名刑案辩护律师韦菲爵士(查尔斯•劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)接受了心脏病治疗,但是身体依旧虚弱,第一天回家休养,护士一直严厉监督他服药,并杜绝烟酒。管家为了便于上楼,还专门为他修了电梯。但是,种种关心照顾,对于这位桀骜不驯、牙尖嘴利的大律师根本不起作用,反倒是一纸诉状令他倍感兴奋。律师梅休和当事人沃尔(泰隆•鲍华 Tyrone Power饰)登门拜访,请他出山打官司。原来,沃尔结识了富婆,两人相见甚欢,虽然仆人对他发明的打蛋器充满鄙夷,但是富婆却对他充满爱意,甚至为他修改了遗嘱,把8万英镑留给了他。然而,富婆却惨遭毒手。于是,沃尔成为警方的头号嫌疑犯。他的唯一证人是妻子克里斯汀(玛琳•黛德丽 Marlene Dietrich饰),然而后者登门时的冷漠与淡定,令韦菲爵士怀疑这其中另有隐情。在扑朔迷离的案件背后,隐藏着一个个环环相扣、不可告人的秘密……本片改编自阿加莎•克里斯蒂同名小说。©豆瓣
回复 :李清照(谢芳 饰)是李部员外郎之女,在献诗会上,她用她的才华吸引到了宰相之子赵明诚的注意,很快,心心相惜的两人就走到了一起,然而,结婚后没多久,赵明诚就离开了妻子,踏上了旅途,致力于金石考古之学,而李清照在丈夫失去音信之后也并没有坐以待毙,而是带着侍女香菱也踏上了寻夫之路。金人的铁蹄踏破了中原的宁静,张汝舟(江庚辰 饰)为了保全利益暗中投敌,还害死了赵明诚。不仅如此,他还掠走了李清照,最终,为了救主,香菱奉献出了自己的性命,目睹了亲人们的不断死去,心如死灰的李清照开始了离群索居的生活,将全部的愤怒都寄托在了创作之中。
回复 :The life and career of the three sisters inimitable Fontana. Micol is only a seamstress Emilia with 500 pounds in his pocket when he arrives in Rome with John and Zoe. The effort is matched by the beginning of a passion for fashion, until the day when the world sees them. The event is the marriage of Tyrone Power and the wedding dress is packed by Atelier Fontana. In the 50 sets Americans have brought Hollywood on the banks of the Tiber and the Via Veneto, felt the Dolce Vita. When the great American divas call the Fontana sisters, that's their dream come true. From Ava Gardner Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, the success was immediate and the suffering of the rewards of private grief. From a tailoring of the three sisters in the fashion district will bring the elegance of Italian style worldwide.