回复 :The network has renewed its drama series for a third season. The pickup for the series, produced by Warner Bros. Television and Fox Entertainment, comes seven weeks after The Cleaning Lady wrapped its 12-episode second season.
回复 :漫无目标,每天浑浑噩噩过日子的 30 岁超市店员幸纪,某天不小心被小混混捅了一刀。濒临死亡,意识朦胧之际,看见拥有一双纯白色翅膀的美丽天使从天而降。幸纪以为天使是来接他的,没想到后来伤愈出院,打开家门一看,天使竟然在屋里。尽管幸纪对天使目中无人的态度感到不知所措,却也对失去记忆且飞不起来的他产生了同情,于是决定将他收留在家里。突然展开的同居生活,让原本如同行尸走肉的幸纪逐渐开始萌生某种情感,不愿意回忆的往事被重新想起,天使的神秘身份也被揭开。
回复 :An exceptional documentary, Les Dessins d'Yves Saint Laurent by Loïc Prigent is an exclusive immersive and intimate glimpe from the perspective of Pierre Bergé, into the creative world of the couture designer through his numerous sketches. It's the perfect opportunity to rediscover his bold and elegant drawings with revolutionary style, but also to see drawings that have never been seen before, including a notebook of poems written and illustrated by the 14-year-old adolescent from Oran, Alegria that he was. A gem of a documentary, it's both sensitive and moving - to be savored.