影片讲述了一对警察兄弟,进化弟弟健诚(黄宗泽 饰)为卧底,进化哥哥健忠(谢天华 饰)为缉毒警,兄弟俩互在警方和贩毒集团的黑名单上,随着一场押送毒贩的任务,二人卷入其中,展开了一场无间反转的缉毒故事。
影片讲述了一对警察兄弟,进化弟弟健诚(黄宗泽 饰)为卧底,进化哥哥健忠(谢天华 饰)为缉毒警,兄弟俩互在警方和贩毒集团的黑名单上,随着一场押送毒贩的任务,二人卷入其中,展开了一场无间反转的缉毒故事。
回复 :忽如其来的神秘灾难使全球秩序陷入混乱,一名政治家崛起为联合国的首脑,但他能引领人们走向希望吗?还是令世界走向深渊?
回复 :Kathy is married to Peter. Now she can't help but wonder how things could have been if she got together with her old boyfriend, Tom. Being married prevents from doing that so she asks her friend, Emily to go to him and see if she can sleep with him then tell Kathy how it was. When Emily tells Kathy that things were awesome, their friendship suffers, at the same so does Kathy's marriage. Things get even more complicated when Emily learns she's pregnant, and she's not certain if it's Tom's or her boyfriend, Elliot.
回复 :一个年轻女子(Bobbi Sue Luther 饰)从昏迷中醒来,发现自己躺在一口棺材之中。她完全记不起事情发生的始末,甚至连自己的姓名和住所也彻底忘记。不久后,她终于想起自己是被一个带着骨头面具、肩膀上固定摄像机的变态杀手(Nick Principe 饰)击晕。女子尝试从魔掌中逃跑,寻求一切可以得到的帮助。但她和她的营救者们显然低估了杀手的实力,任何挡在这个杀人魔王面前的英雄最终都会变成一具死尸。在他面前,猎物无处遁形,只有坐以待毙……