Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
Fernando works in an oil tanker that connects two major Argentinian cities. He has a young girlfriend in one and a married lover in the other. As they both become pregnant, his life starts to disintegrate into obsession and violence.
回复 :一个女孩从昏迷中醒来,发现自己身处一间陌生旅馆,周围满是与她一样年轻貌美,手脚被捆绑的女孩尸体。另一方面,被妻子抛弃的安德鲁正为女儿的赡养费发愁,一无所有的他选择冒险接下神秘黑帮交付的危险工作。两个互不相识,却同样在悲惨困境奋力求生的人,怎么也没想到彼此的生死,因为命运的交错而产生紧密的连结…
回复 :黎明在桃花江畔採集民歌, 深被外號「野貓」的村姑金麗蓉的歌聲吸引. 後戰事爆發, 蓉逃難到香港, 得明提攜登台演唱, 一鳴驚人.
回复 :科林(Judith M. Brown 饰)遭到了谋杀的指控,被关入了位于菲律宾的监狱里,等待着她的,是长达20年的牢狱之灾。人高马大的格利尔(帕姆·格里尔 Pam Grier 饰)是监狱里的大姐大,她一眼就相中了与众不同的科林,想要逼迫她委身于自己,但个性倔强的科林怎么可能就范,在反抗格利尔的过程中,科林和名叫邦妮(帕特·伍德尔 Pat Woodell 饰)的女囚成为了朋友。某日,科林被女警官带走了,她打算通过刑讯逼供的方式迫使科林承认自己没有犯过的罪行。焦急的邦妮找到了聪明伶俐的阿尔科特(罗伯塔·科林斯 Roberta Collins 饰),两人决定联手进行救援行动。