明朝末年,红尘被戚家军驱逐的倭寇把来不及运走的金银财宝埋藏在了石美村,红尘并留下了一张神秘的藏宝图。数十年后,一个落魄的商人(李添诺 饰)和四个小孩无意间发现了藏宝图,却引来一个倭寇、两个笨贼和三个捕快的疯狂争夺。
明朝末年,红尘被戚家军驱逐的倭寇把来不及运走的金银财宝埋藏在了石美村,红尘并留下了一张神秘的藏宝图。数十年后,一个落魄的商人(李添诺 饰)和四个小孩无意间发现了藏宝图,却引来一个倭寇、两个笨贼和三个捕快的疯狂争夺。
回复 :作为一部反映现代农村生活的影片,《同喜》讲述了村里老好人贾有权以经营果园和饭店为生,却由于村里随礼风俗,导致入不敷出。从而引发了有关家庭、金钱等一系列啼笑皆非的故事,是一部具有移风易俗题材的农村喜剧电影。
回复 :One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through the window of the ship and the visitor peeks out from the other side is easily as good as the three-fingered-hand-on-the-shoulder in War of the Worlds. Nice "character" to the visitor, for whom, like Karloff's Frankenstein, we end up feeling some empathy .
回复 :一个关于“时间胶囊”的机密研究项目,因能量块失窃陷入危机,引发了一系列时空穿越事故。现代人苏宝银意外接触到形似手机的能量块,流离于古代异时空和二十一世纪现代两个世界之间,美颜国王爷霍靖及两个随从为寻找她,也被意外卷入时空黑洞闯入现代。三个古代呼风唤雨的王爷将军,走入了完全陌生的现代世界,陷入囧境啼笑皆非。回到现代的苏宝银在思念王爷的同时,遇上了英俊睿智的孙警官,这背后又隐藏着什么样的惊天阴谋呢?当正义战胜邪恶,当一切终结,苏宝银又回到了原点,再遇她的爱人,却已形如陌路......