回复 :由宇子是一名纪录片导演,她率领制作组就三年前发生的一起被霸凌女学生自杀事件展开多方面的调查,并围绕几个失去亲人的家庭进行拍摄。她下定决心要还原事件的始末,不惜与保守的电视台管理层发生冲突,并成功让她的采访对象们对她产生了信任。然而她却发现她经营补习班的父亲木下,犯下了一个严重的错误。这一切为她提供了一个新的视角,使得她的纪录片变得更具有深度,甚至获得了制片人和电视台的赞扬。可是意想不到的事情接踵而至,让由宇子对真相和谎言的看法失去了平衡,迫使她做出了改变人生的决定。
回复 :1935年,中央红军在王明左倾机会主义的指导下遭到国民党第五次反围剿,他们提倡顽强防守,与敌人硬碰硬拼消耗,从而蒙受了沉重的打击和消耗。某师十八团团长陈战江(李成彬 饰)伤愈重返前线,他星野追赶部队,总算和共同经历了生死考验的政委方亮(王志刚 饰)会面。此时北线局势早已发生变化,临时中央全权特派员进驻十八团,提升政治干事薛民担任团长兼政委。薛民言过其实,好大喜功,完全不顾自身的实力与敌人硬碰硬,却如何能够抵抗住飞机大炮的轰炸。第五次反围剿失败,中央红军不得已踏上长征之路。陈战江掩埋白白死去的战士的尸体,顶住来自中央的压力,坚决执行毛泽东的战斗路线,和敌人做着最后的斗争……
回复 :Jennifer Shannon (Lori Loughlin) has a gift for finding rare treasures hidden in garage sales that she can resell at her consignment store, Rags to Riches. But her keen eye for finding valuables also gets her involved in the criminal investigations that happen at the very second-hand sales she frequents. When Jennifer's friend and self-storage facility owner Martin (Michael Kopsa) turns up murdered-just hours after auctioning off an abandoned storage unit full of unique items to Jennifer-she is immediately pulled on the case as a key eyewitness. Working with Detective Lynwood (Kevin O'Grady), Jennifer helps single out a disgruntled customer as the prime suspect, while she and her business partner, Danielle (Strange), sift through boxes from the auction. As her husband Jason (Bacic) worries about her safety, Jennifer starts to get over her head when there is a break-in at her store, and a run-in with Martin's angry wife. Then, Jennifer and Danielle discover their new merchandise contains the sparkly evidence they needed all along to nail the surprising real culprit, and they must race to save a life-and put their own on the line.