回复 :1939年,中国国内的局势宛如一个巨大的漩涡,各方势力裹挟于此,拼死角力,一着棋错,满盘皆完。沉默冷静的方滔(吴秀波 饰)是这场角力中的一枚棋子,也是至关重要的一着。他有着多重身份,表面上是比利时使馆中的职员,暗中的身份既是共产党的狙击手,又是军统的特务,更是一名青帮成员。没人知道他的真实身份,也没人能轻易逃出他的狙杀。随着全国上下抗日情绪的高涨,军统与中共方面针对汪伪政权的锄奸行动也紧锣密鼓地展开了。另一方面,日寇也对革命中的关键人士展开追捕和暗杀。方滔就这样被推向历史的前列,做着惊世骇俗却又鲜为人知的神秘工作……
回复 :Plebs is described as "a thoroughly modern comedy in an ancient setting."Rome is traditionally imagined as the home of emperors and senators, generals and gladiators, a dignified theatre of pomp and ceremony. But what about the little guys, the wasters - new to the big city, stuck in office jobs, unable to get the girls?Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs as they try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city - a city that happens to be Ancient Rome.The show focuses on Marcus, Stylax and their lazy slave with an attitude problem, Grumio. There's also the boys' ruthless boss, Flavia - an expert manipulator with a private life that's the stuff of legend.Unlikely to be immortalised in the annals or memorialised in a frieze, Marcus, Stylax and Grumio are essentially just a bunch of Plebs.And whether they're wearing togas, or skinny jeans, desperate young men in any period of history are essentially cut from the same cloth...
回复 :《地狱之轮》的故事发生在美国内战之后,主人公是一名原南部邦联士兵。为了报杀妻之仇,他只身来到遥远的西部。经过一系列事件,他成了北美横贯大铁路修建过程中的传奇人物。剧名「地狱之轮」是横贯大铁路中心枢纽上一座小镇的别称,也是该剧的故事地点。这里有着典型的西部「元素」:危险、暴力、粗俗、目无法纪、腐败、堕落、丰乳肥臀、种族歧视、大规模移民。北美横贯大铁路是人类历史上首个超大工程量的工程项目,但也是美国历史上最黑暗血腥的事件之一。