回复 :A cat burglar joins the circus to escape the police, and allows the ringmaster to surgically implant him with wings. He continues his thefts during his off-hours, but gets involved in the problems of people around him, while also romancing one of the other circus performers.
回复 :Constance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political character. She lives with Eugene, an aspiring writer, voluntarily withdrawn from the outside world.
回复 :报业大亨惨遭离奇灭门,女儿吴晓琳成唯一幸存者。为洗脱父母遭邪灵作祟的传言,她找上了专破“诡案”的真探秦先生,却阴差阳错跟着秦先生闯灵堂、住鬼屋,组队破解诡影迷案、无头阴兵等诡异案件,开启步步惊心之旅。该剧故事讲述了实习记者吴晓琳(林妍柔 饰)与出身风水世家的秦明(秦阳明 饰)结识后,两人联手解决一系列悬疑事件,破开迷雾还原事件真相的故事。该剧在悬疑领域不断创新,巧妙的融入了“探灵”这一具有极高吸引力的元素。观众也将紧紧跟随“鬼马女记者+大世家子弟”这一奇妙组合的视角不断深入事件,在多个看似不可用常理揣度的诡异事件之下,共同探索发掘隐藏在“诡事”背后的真相故事。