华丽A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help of evil scanners.
华丽A scanner discovers a plot by renegade elements in the city government to take power with the help of evil scanners.
回复 :特务变身网漫作家,史上最ㄎㄧㄤ斜槓人生?韩国国家情报局秘密组织「防牌鸢」,专将孤苦无依的小孩培训成顶尖特务,其中身手矫健的特务阿俊(权相佑饰)由魔鬼教头千德奎(郑俊镐饰)亲自训练,他快狠准的身手一举歼灭无数罪犯,成为恐怖份子都闻之丧胆的金牌特务…然阿俊心裡却有个小小梦想-成为超人气网路漫画家!于是,他决定在一次任务中诈死脱身,隐姓埋名努力画画15年,但他的漫画却被网民嫌到爆,甚至被讥为靠太太美娜(黄雨瑟惠饰)养的中年鲁蛇。某夜鬱鬱不得志的阿俊藉酒消愁,将他的特务人生画成漫画上传一夕爆红,无心之举掀起网民空前轰动,更引来情报局和恐怖份子的大追杀…
回复 :一名牵涉到三名好莱坞小明星的三人杀人案的男子开始了自己的调查。需要帮助时,他招募了两名侦探,以揭露比他们想像中更爆炸的阴谋。
回复 :16-year-old Yuguo, who has a passion for Eastern European romantic poetry, makes a pilgrimage from his home in China to the foothills of Romania’s Carpathian Mountains.There are not many 16-year-olds in China that spend their days reading 19th century Eastern European romantic poetry, but Yuguo is not like most 16-year-olds. This intimate film follows Yuguo’s own teenage romanticism and adventurous spirit as he travels to Bacau in Romania to begin a study abroad programme. Yuguo’s sincerity and open heartedness is infectious and hard for the people of Bacau to resist. Across just 80 days, we share the beautiful adventure of Yuguo’s journey, and witness the profound impact one person can have in the lives of others.