回复 :该剧讲述顶级诉讼律师Kate Reed(Sarah Shahi)在工作中长期目睹官僚主义和不公正的判决结果,对律师这个职业产生了强烈反感。她决定改行当法律调解人,专门与律师为敌(当事双方如果同意调解,就没有官司,没有官司就不需要律师)。Kate利用自己丰富的法律知识和女性特有的直觉,再加上天不怕地不怕的性格,成功介入了许多惹人瞩目的矛盾冲突--既有世界500强企业的大官司,也有因感情问题而闹离婚的小案子。父亲去世后,Kate一直与继母(Virginia Williams)不合,可继母偏偏是她的老板……与此同时,她与在地区检察官办公室当律师的前夫(Michael Trucco)依然藕断丝连--当不成夫妻不要紧,至少还可以当「床伴」。还好Kate身边有一位好助手(Baron Vaughn),这位文雅的「书生」总是替她把一切都打点好,让她可以安安心心过完每一天。
回复 :This series chronicled the lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie was a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, came to CI5 from the regular police force, and was more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship was often contentious, but they were the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.
回复 :两名倒霉的电视技术员无意间撞见谋杀现场。为了避免成为嫌疑犯,二人采取了行动,结果每一步都弄巧成拙。