20世纪70年代,日韩实行夜禁政策的韩国,日韩天一入夜,马路就禁止通行。GO GO 70俱乐部里,由主唱相奎(曹承佑饰)和引领着时髦舞蹈潮流的女歌手美美(申敏儿饰)带着台下的年青人们,用音乐的魅力打破了这种死寂的气氛。可是,尽情享受着音乐和青春跳动的活力的年青人们预料不到的危机也来临了……午夜十二点整,警告人们回到家中的汽笛声鸣响,可是演出依然要按照预定的时间准时开场!
20世纪70年代,日韩实行夜禁政策的韩国,日韩天一入夜,马路就禁止通行。GO GO 70俱乐部里,由主唱相奎(曹承佑饰)和引领着时髦舞蹈潮流的女歌手美美(申敏儿饰)带着台下的年青人们,用音乐的魅力打破了这种死寂的气氛。可是,尽情享受着音乐和青春跳动的活力的年青人们预料不到的危机也来临了……午夜十二点整,警告人们回到家中的汽笛声鸣响,可是演出依然要按照预定的时间准时开场!
回复 :Captain Fedor Volkonogov is part of the law enforcement system. He is appreciated by the commander and respected by colleagues. But the moment comes for Captain's life to take the abrupt turn - he is criminally charged. Captain manages to escape prior to the arrest turning in a split of the second into prey hunted down by ex-colleagues. At night Fedor receives the warning from the afterlife that he is destined for Hell and eternal torments. Though Captain still has a chance to change the destiny and be accepted to Heaven under condition that he repents and at least one person grants him sincere forgiveness. Fedor sets on a mission to find absolution without idea of the trials he is to face on this route.
回复 :专业摄影师米奇丹尼迷上了超级歌星切尔西,但一直希望抓拍她的计划却屡屡遭挫。当他最终夙愿以偿后,却发现那人并非切尔西本人而只是一个与她容貌相似的“替身”。更蹊跷的是,她与切尔西先后遭谋杀,而且自己竟成了头号嫌疑犯。米奇必须与时间赛跑,查清事实真相以示清白……Paparazzi photographer Mickey Dane is obsessed with elusive pop singer Chelsea, and his attempts to capture her on film often land him in trouble. He jumps at the chance to photograph a Chelsea look alike, but when Chelsea and her double are found murdered, he becomes the main suspect. Discovering a clue in one of his old photographs, Mickey must race against time to prove his innocence and find out what really happened……
回复 :影片根据旧俄剧作家亚历山大·奥斯特洛夫斯基的戏剧《没有陪嫁的新娘》改编。才貌双全的拉丽沙是城里许多人追求的对象,她的母亲想把她嫁给有钱人,从而自己过上好日子,拉丽沙倾心于大富豪巴拉托夫,并委身于他,但后者已与一个以金矿为陪嫁的小姐订婚,就在拉丽沙失望之际,她倒在了不曾爱过的未婚夫的枪口下。本片曾于1985年获全苏影业最佳故事片、最佳摄影、最佳作曲、最佳男主角奖。俄罗斯大导演和演员米哈尔科夫在片中的表演和演唱都异常精彩。俄罗斯最具影响力的民谣歌手安德烈·彼得罗夫为该片谱曲。