蔡作Inspired by Christopher Nolan, members of a movie viewing club decide to make a movie. They shoot the whole process and record it for a limited edition DVD. It is a super hero movie called THE DARK NIGHT.
蔡作Inspired by Christopher Nolan, members of a movie viewing club decide to make a movie. They shoot the whole process and record it for a limited edition DVD. It is a super hero movie called THE DARK NIGHT.
回复 :Five university friends gather at a house party to ring in the New Year. Unbeknownst to them, an epidemic has erupted outside, causing outbreaks around the world. With nowhere else to turn, they barricade themselves indoors with only their phones, laptops, and other tech devices. They use their devices to research the possible cause of this outbreak. Information and video foota...
回复 :在不到一个月的时间里,丽都市接连发生87起银行客户储蓄款遭盗取事件。有客户找到丽都商业银行咨询,银行保卫处长乔华明里接待实则推脱,直到市公安局经侦大队关队长在ATM机上为妈妈取退休金、发现储蓄卡上的钱被盗取一空时,才刚刚触及丽都商业银行极力掩盖程序漏洞的冰山一角。多起银行客户储蓄卡被盗取,给客户造成的 直接经济损失在不断增加,关队长报请市局批准,立案进入丽都商业银行蹲点调查。一个偶然的机会,关队长发现所有遭盗取的储蓄卡存在一个共同的问题:客户储蓄卡个人密码设置过于简单。针对密码过于简单的问题,关队长建议乔华以银行的名义,广而告之地动员银行客户重新设置个人密码。一边是广大客户的个人利益,一边是丽都商业银行的社会信誉,关队长在乔华拒绝“广而告之”时,决心抓住那个盗取贼。然而茫茫人海、ATM机又上百上千,抓住盗取贼谈何容易,就是ATM机拍摄的盗取贼的录...
回复 :改编自SDN48原成员作家大木亚希子的私小说实录。上班途中,安希子(深川麻衣饰)突然双腿动弹不得。生病、辞去工作、忘不了心爱的男人的安希子这时被朋友推荐,与住在东京都内的独栋房子里的56岁上班族“ササポン”(井浦新饰)同住。存款见了底,认为自己无法改变现状的安希子接受了提案,通过与ササポン适当保持距离的生活,找回了“日常”。