大漠飞沙,亚洲引擎轰鸣,亚洲野性十足的美女车模(安娜塔莉娅 饰)只身深入大漠,只为和心爱的人共赴爱情之约。各国车手们本想在这里一战成名,却不知这死亡沙海既是天堂,亦是地狱。在凶险的生死竞速中,车手肯特惨遭对手布莱恩(米歇尔·法布里斯 饰)设计陷害,不但亲人身处险境,命悬一线,而且连爱情也面临着崩塌。他决定用轰鸣的引擎声为自己赢得尊严,但布莱恩并不打算放过他,等待他们的是一场输赢未定、生死未卜的飞车大战。
大漠飞沙,亚洲引擎轰鸣,亚洲野性十足的美女车模(安娜塔莉娅 饰)只身深入大漠,只为和心爱的人共赴爱情之约。各国车手们本想在这里一战成名,却不知这死亡沙海既是天堂,亦是地狱。在凶险的生死竞速中,车手肯特惨遭对手布莱恩(米歇尔·法布里斯 饰)设计陷害,不但亲人身处险境,命悬一线,而且连爱情也面临着崩塌。他决定用轰鸣的引擎声为自己赢得尊严,但布莱恩并不打算放过他,等待他们的是一场输赢未定、生死未卜的飞车大战。
回复 :从监狱里出来后,梅迪打算清算旧账。但首先,他必须与他的帮派恢复联系,而那群人正悠闲地住在一处优美的泰国海滨度假村。
回复 :一次意外中,艾米丽(波姬·小丝 Brooke Shields 饰)和理查德(克里斯托弗斯·阿特金斯 Christopher Atkins 饰)流落到了一座孤岛上,面对凶险的大自然,他们必须为自己开拓一片赖以生存的环境。好在岛上的物资十分的丰饶,两人的生活上不成问题,只是在偌大的天地间,茕茕独立的孤独只有两人自己清楚。获救之日遥遥无期,艾米丽和理查德却早已习惯了岛上闲散安逸的生活。孤男寡女,奇妙的感情慢慢的拉近了两人的距离,不久之后,艾米丽生下了一名男婴,为两人的生活又增加了一份快乐。救援队的不期而至打破了这世外桃源般的生活,在和救援人员进行了交流后,两人发现,他们早已不适合再生活在文明社会之中,两人决定留在此地,永远的生活在他们的伊甸园之中。
回复 :Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of three characters: Charles Eastman (Beach), né Ohiyesa, a young, Dartmouth-educated, Sioux doctor held up as living proof of the alleged success of assimilation; Sitting Bull (Schellenberg), the proud Lakota chief who refuses to submit to U.S. government policies designed to strip his people of their identity, their dignity and their sacred land – the gold-laden Black Hills of the Dakotas; and Senator Henry Dawes (Quinn), who was one of the architects of the government policy on Indian affairs. While Eastman and patrician schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Paquin) work to improve life for the Indians on the reservation, Senator Dawes lobbies President Grant (Thompson) for more humane treatment, opposing the bellicose stance of General William Tecumseh Sherman (Feore). Hope rises for the Indians in the form of the prophet Wovoka (Studi) and the Ghost Dance – a messianic movement that promises an end of their suffering under the white man. This hope is obliterated after the assassination of Sitting Bull and the massacre of hundreds of Indian men, women and children by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek on Dec. 29, 1890. Written by HBO Films