《我的宠物恐龙》讲述的是小男主人公杰克和他的朋友查尔斯、捕快阿贝等人痴迷于UFO,捕快经常到森林“狩猎UFO”,遗憾的是他们并没有找到任何外星生物的痕迹,却意外收集了一些奇怪的粘质物,并将其带回了家。机缘巧合之下,杰克用粘质物创造出了一只恐龙,一只十分可爱的、充满好奇心、形似剑龙的变色恐龙,并取名 “马格纳斯”。为了避免马格纳斯人们被发现,杰克决心要把它藏起来,但是随着小恐龙的身体呈指数增长,杰克和他的小伙伴们再也无法向军方和岌岌可危 的小镇隐瞒这个秘密……
《我的宠物恐龙》讲述的是小男主人公杰克和他的朋友查尔斯、捕快阿贝等人痴迷于UFO,捕快经常到森林“狩猎UFO”,遗憾的是他们并没有找到任何外星生物的痕迹,却意外收集了一些奇怪的粘质物,并将其带回了家。机缘巧合之下,杰克用粘质物创造出了一只恐龙,一只十分可爱的、充满好奇心、形似剑龙的变色恐龙,并取名 “马格纳斯”。为了避免马格纳斯人们被发现,杰克决心要把它藏起来,但是随着小恐龙的身体呈指数增长,杰克和他的小伙伴们再也无法向军方和岌岌可危 的小镇隐瞒这个秘密……
回复 :电影改编自真实事件。一场意外让老于(高强 饰)失去了双腿,漫长的余生都将在床上度过,母亲死后,老于由姐姐秋红(于月仙 饰)接手照顾。老于一直因为觉得自己拖累了母亲和姐姐而陷入自责的情绪之中,他潜心于设计一款能够载着他走出家门的交通工具,然而并没有人相信那复杂的图纸会转化成为实物。一次偶然中,一只可爱的拉布拉多犬在误打误撞之中来到了老于的家中,虽然口中常常抱怨这个小家伙不听话爱惹麻烦,但随着时间的推移,老于和小狗之间早已经建立了信赖和友谊。经过不懈的努力,老于的代步车终于完成了,小狗每天充当车夫的角色拉着老于来到镇上摆摊修电器,傍晚再拉着老于回家。
回复 :Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen years later when a son of one of the officers and a smuggler's daughter fall in love with each other.
回复 :This is a story of lifetime. A story full of spiritual power biography, behind which stays a whole age in the national development of Bulgaria.Reality & Fantasy, 6 May 2006Author: lordsin from BulgariaThis is one of the best movies I've seen. Some may say it has no sense, but if you look closely you'll notice that this movie is a philosophical masterpiece. It shows several scenes of life in the village and then the brilliant Rangel Vulchanov puts reality into a boy's fantasies. The movie jumps from birth to death, from wedding to funeral, from joy to sorrow, from reality to fantasy, from war to peace. There are lots of laughable moments for the comedy fans, and there's drama for the drama fans. You won't forget this movie once you've seen it. It's a true gem! It will give you all you want even more...One of the best Bulgarian movies ever made. Better than all of the French movies altogether!