人妻The story follows the Morels, including two teenagers and a 7-year-old kid who are driving their parents out of their minds. One morning, they all wake up inside each other's bodies.
人妻The story follows the Morels, including two teenagers and a 7-year-old kid who are driving their parents out of their minds. One morning, they all wake up inside each other's bodies.
回复 :Due to a weather problem a plane from Denmark is forced to land at the Slovene airport. Amongst the passengers, being taken to a hotel in Ljubljana, is a quiet, beautiful young Danish girl Iben (25). This is how she meets Tina (25) who drives a shuttle as a summer job. They both need each other, but are very careful because one of them is hiding a secret. They speak to each other in English and in their native languages. Only one of the two languages has the so-called dual, a special grammatical form used in expressions that involve just two subjects. The other language does not. Dual is an honest story about two people who meet precisely at the moment when they absolutely should not have - but they are nevertheless a bit happier because they did.
回复 :1988年的万圣节,杀人魔王迈克尔•梅尔被警察射伤,几经周折,他逃到一条河边,并得到一位好心人的救治。一年时光转瞬即逝,伤愈的迈克尔如同僵死复苏的毒蛇一般杀掉救命恩人,并决定再次前往哈登菲尔德,向甥女杰米(Danielle Harris 饰)复仇。一年前,杰米因攻击养母及经历了舅舅迈克尔的追杀噩梦而患上失语症,如今正在当地的儿童医院接受康复治疗。虽然失去说话能力,杰米却神奇地拥有了与迈克尔心灵相通的能力。主治医生卢米斯(Donald Pleasence 饰)意识到了这点,他决定利用这个能力和迈克尔做个了断……
回复 :故事发生在1942年的新加坡,宁静的夜晚,一场洋溢着欢快气氛的舞会正在进行之中。此时,一枚炮弹彻底打破了此地的平静,日军龇着獠牙亮着利爪,踏上了这片和平的土地。在军方的安排之下,驻扎在此地的澳大利亚和英国军队家属登上了回国的船只,哪知道这艘船驶向的目的地竟是地狱。日军袭击了这条搭载着妇女和儿童的船只,将他们关进了集中营内。这里的日子苦不堪言,所有人不约而同陷入了绝望之中。闭塞的环境,短缺的物资,濒临崩溃的精神,导致集中营中暴力事件频发,无辜的人们一个接着一个死去。在这个节骨眼上,一位名为艾德里亚(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)的女子挺身而出,组织了一支合唱团,歌声成为了她们活下去的唯一动力。