讲述了清年间,午夜辽东清河县令伍四六为保护流浪儿童与教 唆和拐卖儿童的犯罪团伙展开了激烈斗争,午夜急着要为伍知 县生儿育女的麻翠姑,在参与解救流浪儿童的斗争中,第 一次找到了做母亲的感觉。...
讲述了清年间,午夜辽东清河县令伍四六为保护流浪儿童与教 唆和拐卖儿童的犯罪团伙展开了激烈斗争,午夜急着要为伍知 县生儿育女的麻翠姑,在参与解救流浪儿童的斗争中,第 一次找到了做母亲的感觉。...
回复 :Raj总有个童年时期的朋友Tina不如他,但Tina的最好的朋友Pooja总比他强。当Raj的全家移民到英国后开始到互联网生意, Raj许诺Tina他与她将保持联系,他们的友谊地久天长。然而Tina忽视他,不回他的电子邮件,但是Pooja却回了他的信并以Tina的名义和他保持联系。十五年后,他们的友谊通过电子邮件开花结果了, Raj相信他认识的Tina,其实是Pooja。他全家决定回到印度带两周度假,当Tina发现了真相,他们决定一起扮演。当Raj到了印度,他被Tina的美丽深深的迷住了,但是却十分欣赏Pooja的个性。他将选择谁呢?Raj, Pooja and Tina are childhood friends. While Raj has always been attracted to the vivacious Tina, he is completely unaware of the quiet Pooja's feelings for him. When Raj's family move to England to get involved in an internet business, Raj promises Tina that he will keep in touch with her and that their friendship will always be forever. However Tina disregards him and chooses not to respond to his first e-mail, in turn Pooja decides to keep in touch with him but signs under Tina's name. Fifteen years later, and their friendship has blossomed via e-mail, Raj believing that he's getting to know Tina when it's really Pooja. His family decides to go back on a holiday to India for 2 weeks, when Tina discovers the truth about Pooja's e-mails, they decide together that Tina will play along with the charade. When Raj arrives in India, he is struck by Tina's beauty but equally as struck to Pooja's personality. On a coincidence Raj eventually realizes that he had been corresponding with Pooja, and he realizes that Pooja is his true love which forces Tina and her family to accept the fact that Raj and Pooja are suitable for each other and that the two should get marry under any circumstances.
回复 :在昏暗的房间内,一位大学生(村井良大 饰)从昏迷中醒来。他走出房间,在这栋陌生的建筑中又遇到了夜总会女孩(武田梨奈 饰)和报社记者(秋山真太郎 饰)。他们结伴寻找出口,结果发现所有的地方都被堵死,根本无路可逃。不久他们被告知,在接下来的七天里,七名男女将用手中的菜刀相互厮杀。就如同将所有毒虫放在同一个容器中互噬以得到最毒的蛊虫一样,他们也必须杀到最后一人为止……本片根据八头道尾在网络上发表的同名电子小说改编,首周初登场观众满意度排名第七位。
回复 :电影改编自真实历史事件。故事发生在十六世纪,国王亨利八世(罗伯特·肖 Robert Shaw 饰)爱上了名叫安妮(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave 饰)的女子,他想同王后离婚,却又碍于世俗道德的制约。亨利八世找到了大法官托马斯(保罗·斯科菲尔德 Paul Scofield 饰),他要求托马斯在离婚法令上签字,企图以托马斯的德高望重来减轻自己的负罪。托马斯一生光明磊落,国王的无理要求令极富正义感的他十分困扰,因为他明白,拒绝国王的人注定不会有好下场。在内心良知的引导下,托马斯贯彻了自己的原则,他拒绝签字并辞去了官职,可即便如此,正直的他也最终未能逃脱死于非命的厄运。