亚洲Two millennials get into a relationship where they are allowed to meet only on 'Tuesdays & Fridays'.
亚洲Two millennials get into a relationship where they are allowed to meet only on 'Tuesdays & Fridays'.
回复 :Six Characters is possibly the most highly anticipated Thai film this year, not least of all for its star-studded cast. On a shooting set filled with tension, a nervous director (Mario Maurer) tries to shoot a horror movie. The willful cast of actors is no help. Meanwhile, six strangers suddenly appear who tell their story, explaining that they are the characters of the script left by a dead screenwriter. The director laughs at the strangers at first but eventually begins to get carried away by the compelling family story they tell. Director M.L. Bhandevanov Devakula, who also visited Busan in 2011 with Eternity, is a director who is talented depicting eroticism with intense emotions as well as adaptation as in the Jan Dara series. Six Characters, an adaptation of Italian playwriter Luigi Pirandello′s Six Characters in Search of an Author, spotlights the director’s strengths and vision.
回复 :他那咄咄逼人的控制狂母亲成就了二十世纪英国最伟大的画家之一L.S. 洛瑞是二十世纪英国最伟大的国民画家之一,独特的画风深受英国民众喜爱。但是他的画作在早期却遭艺术评论家嘲笑为出自儿童之手,因为他笔下的人物,头大大,身体细细,就像一根根的火柴棒一样,被称为“火柴男人”。虽然说洛瑞的母亲伊莉莎白女士,一生都在阻扰他的艺术事业,但是洛瑞之所以能够成为优秀的画家,却不得不归功于他的母亲。在他父亲去世之后,洛瑞负责照顾卧病在床的母亲,每每等到她入睡了才在阁楼开始作画,全心全意,甘之如饴。抑鬱寡欢的伊莉莎白总是叨叨念著她对儿子的不满与失望,洛瑞却终其一生都在追寻著如何让母亲快乐,他的生活与他的画作都渴望著母亲的认同。本片由知名皇家莎士比亚剧场前任总监亚德里安.诺布尔担任导演,找来坎城影帝提摩西司伯饰演这位伟大的画家,以及坎城影后凡妮莎蕾格烈芙饰演控制狂的母亲。两人精湛的演技,演活了这对讽刺却又带幽默的母子。「烟囱林立以及冒著黑烟的天空,火柴男子出现在一成不变的工业景观裡踽踽独行。」洛瑞的作品纪录了后工业化的英国城市景观,以及人们的疏离,直到现在,仍能引起共鸣。他在晚年被皇家艺术学会及曼彻斯特学院延揽,作品曾以370万英镑高价售出。他多次拒绝了英国首相颁发的勳章,并拒绝了勳爵的封号。
回复 :片名《死之棘》取自《圣经》中格林多的传记,意为罪过。作家俊夫(岸部一德 饰)与美穗(松坂庆子 饰)的婚姻生活到了第十个年头,危机凸现。俊夫在外有了情人,妻子雇人调查核实,精神受到极大刺激,扬言自杀。俊夫出于对妻子的愧疚,毅然离开情人,决心和妻子儿女找回以往的快乐时光。但事与愿违,美穗由于承受过大的压力患上了精神分裂症,变得不再相信丈夫,时时猜疑,步步紧逼,使俊夫难以固守最后的个人空间。俊夫深知这一切全是自己种下的恶果,也清楚美穗的反常行为缘于极大的痛苦与悲伤,所以即使无法忍受亦坚忍下来。夫妻关系就在互相折磨中渐渐走向边缘……