该剧讲述女主角因为连环杀人案痛失最爱的朋友,桐原时隔19年她再次追踪连环杀人案,桐原揭发巨大的恶的真实面貌的故事。金瑞亨饰演重案组刑警车英真,她因年幼时没有守护最爱的朋友,怀揣罪恶感和愧疚,负重前行,立誓要揪出凶手。柳德焕饰演新星中学科学教师李善宇一角。他对学生倾注了多少的感情,就受到了多 少的伤害,甚至更深。本意想要离开教团的他却在周围人的挽留和劝导下,来到了姐夫担任理事长的新星中学。在那里他遇到了内心多情温暖的孩子。
该剧讲述女主角因为连环杀人案痛失最爱的朋友,桐原时隔19年她再次追踪连环杀人案,桐原揭发巨大的恶的真实面貌的故事。金瑞亨饰演重案组刑警车英真,她因年幼时没有守护最爱的朋友,怀揣罪恶感和愧疚,负重前行,立誓要揪出凶手。柳德焕饰演新星中学科学教师李善宇一角。他对学生倾注了多少的感情,就受到了多 少的伤害,甚至更深。本意想要离开教团的他却在周围人的挽留和劝导下,来到了姐夫担任理事长的新星中学。在那里他遇到了内心多情温暖的孩子。
回复 :Channel4倾力打造四集历史迷你剧The Devil's Whore由BAFTA最佳剧本作者Martine Brant编剧。故事发生在17世纪英国内战伊始之时,议会派与保皇派之间的战争一触即发,皇族贵戚的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。Angelica Fanshawe本是一个平凡的贵族女子,但战争的洗礼让她的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化,而和皇族与议会派将领之间的纠缠更令她对自己的信仰产生了怀疑。
回复 :The contemporary retelling of the popular legend is back for a second series with more breathtaking archery, incredible swordplay, lots of humour, fun and energy, a smattering of brute force, and the raw determination to right wrongs. The Sheriff is in the final stages of a plot to kill King Richard upon his return from the Holy Land. The Sheriff also wants Robin Hood dead and with his devastating sister Davina, sets about catching him once and for all. It seems only a matter of time until Marian escapes to the forest and she and Robin can be together. Until that is, Gisborne turns up at Knighton Hall and razes it to the ground, seizing Marian and Edward and placing them under house arrest in the castle. Marian and Robin now separate for the good of England, Marian as the castle spy, and Robin leading his gang in the forest and villages of Nottingham.
回复 :Amazon的《#律界巨人# Goliath》获在线媒体续订第三季,预定19年上线。第三季新增演员包括Dennis Quaid﹑Amy Brenneman﹑Beau Bridges﹑Griffin Dunne﹑Sherilyn Fenn及Shamier Anderson;于新季中,Billy McBride(#Billy Bob Thornton#饰)一位旧友突然死亡,这事件将令他面对新的「巨人」 - 中央谷地里一名富豪牧场主及他的妹妹(Dennis Quaid及Amy Brenneman饰演)。