回复 :故事发生在位于英格兰伯恩茅斯的一家酒店之中,在酒店里,有些客房是长期被租住的,因此,这里汇聚了一批酒店的“老客户”。西比尔(黛博拉·蔻儿 Deborah Kerr 饰)是一个老姑娘了,她的性格乖僻,终日生活在她那控制狂老妈莫德夫人的掌控之下。实际上,西比尔偷偷的爱慕着名叫大卫(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)的男子,但是,害羞的她选择将这份爱慕深深的埋藏在心底。一天,一位名为安(丽塔·海华斯 Rita Hayworth 饰)的神秘女子入住了酒店,让帕特(温蒂·希勒 Wendy Hiller 饰)没有想到的是,这并不是自己第一次见到安,她和安之间,有这一段不得不说却不能说的往事。
回复 :故事以未曾经历统一、战乱不止的中国战国时代为舞台,主人公李信是一位秦国的少年,他因为战乱而失去双亲,并在收留自己的里长家里过着奴隶一样的生活。里长家里收留了两名战争孤儿信和漂。然而,身为孤儿的信和漂并没有因为身份的卑贱而失去志向,反而这战事频繁的乱世中,立志要成为大将军,两人一同苦练武功。他们以成为名震天下的大将军为目标,每日磨练自己,等待机会建功立业。某天,漂被带入宫中任官。及后濒死的漂回到家中,信在漂指引下,见到了因为政变而被追杀的秦国大王嬴政,他戎马天下的人生便由此拉开了序幕……
回复 :A documentary on the history of garlic. Blank interviews chefs, garlic lovers, and historians about the their love of the 'stinking rose.'Often referred to as a stinking rose, garlic, in its culinary uses, generally evokes a love it or hate it response. Quite often, these responses are on cultural lines, where old world cultures have generally revered it in their cooking, while new world cultures have not. A renaissance of sorts is taking place in the use of garlic in the United States, with more and more immigrants bringing their use of the spice to the country, with more people desiring more spice in their food, with a desire to get back to the land and with the production of plant a large part of the Central California landscape. Many chefs are presented preparing dishes prominently featuring the spice. On the bad side, the association of garlic to bad breath is discussed. On the other side, its purported health benefits are also discussed. Other topics presented include its association to vampirism, and speculation of how people will want their garlic to be presented to them in the future.