讲述一个年轻而雄心勃勃的滑雪选手的故事,丁香剧终时所有角色参加了一个名为“中国的下坡” (Chinese Downhill)的比赛,究竟鹿死谁手…
讲述一个年轻而雄心勃勃的滑雪选手的故事,丁香剧终时所有角色参加了一个名为“中国的下坡” (Chinese Downhill)的比赛,究竟鹿死谁手…
回复 :魯俊谷、張權、于洋三人乃沙煲兄弟,三人合力獲得寶物「雙面神」,不料卻給胡錦起尾注,將三人毒殺,獨吞「雙面神」,三沙煲兄弟臨死前囑其妻子以沙煲鐲鍊為憑,使其後人相認,並設法將寶物奪回。劉永、梁家仁及梁韻蕊是他們的後人,在不打不相識之下重逢,為了完成三人亡父的遺志,三人齊心向胡錦偷回寶物。梁韻蕊早已混入胡錦家中,色誘胡錦之子汪禹,作為內應查出「雙面神」之收藏地點。劉永與梁家仁則扮鬼扮馬,偷天換日,最後偷得雙面神!
回复 :适逢父亲的忌日,漂泊许久的寅次郎(渥美清 饰)返回家中,却玩笑般地大闹法会。在家没有待上几日,又因搞错了满男想买钢琴的愿望倍感受辱,转身又踏上旅途。这一次他远走北海道,信心满满地留在当地农家帮忙,结果仅仅三日便一病不起,多亏阿樱(倍赏千惠子 饰)亲自将他接回家中。只不过阿寅并未吸取教训,正当他再次准备离家的时候,他重逢了在北海道网走市有过一面之缘的茉莉(浅丘琉璃子 饰)。茉莉为了成为歌手,孤身一人流转日本各地,吃尽人间之苦。如今她逶迤来至浅草,继续追寻着她的梦想,而阿寅是否又将迎来一段新的恋情呢?本片为日本著名国民电影“寅次郎的故事(男人真命苦)”系列第11部,荣获1974年每日电影最佳导演和最佳剧本奖。
回复 :Is it just another evening at the hugely popular Italian restaurant of proprietor and bookmaker Louis Cropa in New York? Anything but as tonight's guests include; a local police detective and his wife specially invited by the owner; on the balcony rival bookmaker gangsters from Queens who want to become partners in the restaurant; in the corner renowned food critic 'the food nymph' is her usual demanding self; and at the bar, seemingly unnoticed, is Ken. As the evening continues enter Duncan, inveterate gambler and sous-chef on-the-line in the frenetic kitchen downstairs, who acts as the catalyst that causes the evening to draw to its inevitable, explosive, deadly conclusion. Written by Mark Smith <msmith@osi.co.uk>