回复 :《锦衣之下》同名 IP 改编电影。顺天府惊现少女诱杀事件,血滴子重现于世,引出尘封过往。新晋校尉杨程万奉命办案,却被卷入宫变之中。查一案诡谲秘辛,唱一出人情冷暖。神秘武器“血滴子”背后究竟有怎么不可告人的秘密...
回复 :影片是根据真人真事改编的励志体育电影。来自凉山州彝族自治区阿沙莫村的瓦尔阿木从成都的修理厂辞职回到老家准备组建一只少儿篮球队,发小索吉前来帮忙。虽然条件艰苦,但众人一起努力让孩子们实现篮球梦想,凉山黑鹰的精神也传开了。孩子们靠着扎实的篮球技术打出了大山,而阿木则不忘初心重返大山帮助更多的孩子们。
回复 :Amazon rainforest, 1538. King Carlos V de España y I de Alemania sends a group of Spanish soldiers to the new continent to locate Teziutlan, a legendary city created with gold, to claim it to the Spanish Empire. Alone in the rainforest and without a help, soldiers face not only indigenous tribes but the manifest hate themselves by their respective birth places. Leaded by old Don Gonzalo, married with young Doña Ana, his aging and weak health turns in danger Ana, who is disputed by Alférez Gorriamendi, Gonzalo's right-hand, and soldier Martín Dávila. After to realize that Viceroy of Port Prince has send another expedition looking for them leaded by Juan Medrano after to accuse Don Gonzalo of treason, Dávila, Gorriamendi and other soldiers as Sargento Bastaurrés and Barbate must decide if fight against Medrano's and his men or continue until Teziutlan. But the rivalry and hate between them will reveal more dangerous than the own rainforest and the indigenous tribes