共眠Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
共眠Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
回复 :An earthquake in the Salton Sea unleashes a horde of prehistoric mollusk monsters. Discovering the creatures, a Naval officer and several scientists attempt to stop the monsters, but they escape into the canal system of the California’s Imperial Valley and terrorize the populace.
回复 :1990年代,陈卫东(吕凉 饰)的妻子曲波波(丁嘉莉 饰)是个女强人,陈自感在家中没地位,终日与小舅子浪浪(彭博 饰)厮混在一起。忽一日,他想起插队时爱上的小芳(胡忻 饰)姑娘,温柔美丽善解人意,何不将那段经历写首歌呢。于是,一首《小芳》被他灌成盒带发行,唱遍了大街小巷。他把音像出版社付给的稿酬揣在身上,踏上了寻访昔日情人的道路。几经周折,终于见到了当年的小芳。但物是人非,如今的小芳已是华侨林先生的阔太太,这大大出乎陈卫东的意料。当下老华侨刚去世,村民正为这位造福桑梓的老人举办葬礼。陈卫东调整着纷乱的思绪,眼前的林太太怎么也跟二十年前的小芳对不上号......
回复 :《赌徒》根据1974年的同名电影改编而成,沃尔伯格饰演的吉姆·本内特(Jim Bennett)既是大学英语文学教授,又是一个大手笔的赌徒。他让学生打假球,使自己在赌局中牟利。随着赌瘾日渐加深,他的生活陷入万劫不复之中。由于债台高筑,他不得不已自己的生命为代价,向一位高利贷大佬弗兰克借债。