  时间:2025-03-10 09:54:16

淫月A special follow-up to the programme that broadcast exclusive access to the research into the remains of Richard III found underneath a Leicester car park. The research confirmed that the remains were his, and helped build a picture of what he looked like. Using unseen footage of the dig and tests, and fresh interviews with the lead scientists, this programme reveals multiple new dimensions to the hunt for England's long-lost king. The project involved dozens of specialists, in the fields of archaeology, osteology, history, forensic pathology, genealogy and DNA analysis. The programme pieces together the critical steps in the archaeological excavation, explaining how the Greyfriars Church was uncovered and detailing the painstaking exhumation of Richard's grave from the first indications of human remains to the exposure of the body's twisted spine. In the university's labs, the programme follows the scientists as they examine the skeleton to unlock the lost king's story, revealing its clues to his diet and social status, and to the diseases he endured. The film reveals how the DNA match with Richard III was made. Perhaps the most harrowing stage of the project was the minute forensic examination of the cause of death. Piecing together CT scans and microscopic analysis, the team identified the major injuries that Richard suffered in the last moments of his life and shortly afterwards.




回复 :Reality tv show on the History channel. BIG TIMBER follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive. Kevin's logging a remote timber claim high up the steep, rugged slopes of Klitsa Mountain, deep in the majestic heart of Vancouver Island. It's home to some of the best wood in the world and Kevin's making a big bet to get it. The claim has a thousand truckloads waiting for him and his first goal is to get 200 truckloads off the mountain before winter shuts him down, but the mountain won't give up without a fight. That's only his first obstacle though, as he finds out close to winter that he has to clear his whole claim, all one thousand loads, as soon as he can get back up there in the spring. He'll be stuck with millions of dollars in penalties if he can't do it. With his wife Sarah, his son Erik, and his right-hand man Coleman by his side, Kevin will do whatever it takes to get that big timber!



回复 :作为一个四年前从学校退学之后就一直靠啃老来过活的死宅男佐藤达广(小泉豊 配音)来说,今天也是家里蹲的一天。突然间,一阵敲门声打破了他的日常妄想。打开门,出现在门口的美少女让佐藤简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,而美少女说出的话也让佐藤吃惊的说不出话来。原来,少女名叫中原岬(牧野由 依 配音),自称是“日本废柴协会”的成员,而她此行到来的目的,正是帮助佐藤重新振作,脱离废柴的行列。一直住在隔壁的动漫美少女控山崎薰(坂口大助 配音)也是协会的一员?进入协会的首要任务就是制作H游戏?口口声声要帮助自己的中原自己也是一个只有靠帮助他人才能找到存在感的废柴?诸多事件的发生让佐藤渐渐开始怀疑,这个所谓的协会,很有可能是一个阴谋。



回复 :Masterchef Junior Winner Mostafa Elkeraby comes back and mentors other Juniors to win the Masterchef Trophy.

