好朋Eight days, three hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds. That's the total duration of the most important and celebrated space mission ever flown - Apollo 11 - when we first stepped foot on the moon...
好朋Eight days, three hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds. That's the total duration of the most important and celebrated space mission ever flown - Apollo 11 - when we first stepped foot on the moon...
回复 :1614年,德川家康73岁,年迈的他必须在两个儿子之间为他的将军之位选一名继承人。难以决断的德川家康将决定的权利交给当时势均力敌的两大忍术宗家,它们分别是甲贺流和伊贺流。在前人服部半藏的调解下,曾经水火不容的两家签下了“不战条约”,但在权利和政治的挑拨之下,条约被撕毁了。 两家各派出十名忍者,他们要相互残杀直至仅剩一方幸存,而幸存方所支持的对象即可成为下一代将军。其中,甲贺流的头领甲贺玄之介(鸟海浩辅 配音)与伊贺流的头领胧(水树奈奈 配音)在战前曾经是两情相悦的恋人,与此同时,甲贺流与伊贺流的一些成员之间也有着复杂的感情纠葛。但是此时此刻,仿佛被丝线牵引的人偶,他们必须摒弃所有的感情,展开一场血腥残酷的厮杀。
回复 :Superstar a capella group Pentatonix is struggling to find inspiration for their annual holiday album, and the clock is ticking. To make matters worse, their well-intentioned but misguided manager mistakenly locks them in a magic mailroom. But with the help of some Disney magic, we're soon on a whirlwind tour around the world, discovering holiday traditions and inspiration from Pentatonix fans all around the globe: from Tokyo to Grenada, Ghana to Mexico and Iceland. The fun-filled journey leads the group to realize that wherever we find ourselves, the holidays offer the perfect opportunity to discover how much we have in common and that it really is a small world after all.
回复 :全新一輯怪談,將會以全新風格全新組合和觀眾見面。除了兩位主持 和嘉賓師傅外,亦會招募一批全新面孔的探靈自願軍,挑戰全港以及各地不同地方的猛鬼地帶。節目中,更會以”靈車”作為主要工具,載送主持、嘉賓、新招募的探靈自願軍,遊走香港傳聞中的猛鬼地帶。靈車到達目的地後,各人會分享與目的地有關的真實個案,靈異傳聞或親身經歷。分享過靈異經歷後,再由隨隊嘉賓師父指導,自願軍進行探靈拍攝,親身感受猛鬼地帶的恐怖氣氛,將最真實的探靈過程,呈現在觀眾眼前。