回复 :北宋年间,举人赵行德(佐藤浩市 饰)面对西夏的考题哑口无言,抱憾殿试。此后心灰意冷的行德决定远走塞外,前往令人充满遐想的西夏游历。旅行途中,行德所在商队遭到汉人组成的佣兵部队的袭击,他被迫编入部队,并渐渐得到队长朱王礼的赏识和器重。在与回鹘人的作战中,他救下并藏匿了回鹘 公主斯鲁比娅(中川安奈 饰)。二人由恨转爱,并相约逃跑前往西夏,无奈阴差阳错,行德只得留下爱人独自前行。谁知他一去两年,期间斯鲁比娅竟被西夏王子李元昊(渡濑恒彦 饰)霸占。饱受命运的左右与玩弄,行德注定在历史尘沙中留下一段千古传奇……本片日本历史小说名家井上靖的名著改编,并荣获1988年第12届日本电影金像奖最佳影片、最佳导演和最佳男主角奖(西田敏行)。
回复 :This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The location looks very much like Churchill Gardens, Pimlico, with Battersea Power Station in the background. And, plenty of smoking going on, in pubs, and on the tube. The film is strangely sexy in its own way, with the young girl playing along with the much older man, its really a sexual fantasy come true. It is another one of those British low budget film where the low budget adds to rather that take away value. Watch for fun, which is what it is.
回复 :影片再现了1961年4月12日苏联宇航员加加林完成人类第一次太空飞行的全过程。剧本参考了最近解密的苏联航天档案。影片片长108分钟,也是加加林这一次飞行的时间。