回复 :Goldie, a precocious teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. This is a story about displaced youth, ambition, and maintaining your spirit in the face of insurmountable obstacles.
回复 :The elderly caretaker of a remote morgue possesses an impeccable memory for everything but names. He passes his days showing corpses to those searching for their lost ones and tending to his beloved plants. When protest in a nearby city breaks out and the militia covertly raid the morgue to hide civilian casualties, he discovers the body of an unknown young woman. Evoking memories of personal loss, he embarks on a magical odyssey to give her a proper burial with the help of a mystic gravedigger who collects stories of the dead, an old woman searching for her long-lost daughter, and a hearse driver tormented by his past.
回复 :本片改編自俠義小說《七俠五義》,人物繁多,情節多變,難得張徹處理得有條不紊,角色性格分明。故事講述襄陽王(艾飛飾)在王府中建造機關密佈之沖霄樓,又廣招花蝴蝶花沖(鹿峰 飾)、神手大聖鄧車(王力 飾)和小諸葛沈仲元(龍天翔飾)等江湖俠士加盟,以謀造反。包公洞悉襄陽王叛跡,乃命門生顏春敏(孫建飾)前往�{查……沖宵樓的機關設計,險象橫生,配合新一代張家班的熟練合作,拍出奇詭精妙的動作效果,耳目一新。1982年张彻大导演的作品《冲霄楼》,乃改编自侠义小说《七侠五义》,情节精彩万分,角色性格分明。其中当年新扎的武打小生钱小豪,获得导演张彻的赏识,在电影中有精彩的演绎。由郭追,钱小豪、鹿峰、王力、龙天翔和孙建主演,片中冲宵楼的机关设计来对付英雄人物险象横生,且拍摄精彩,值得电影迷收藏。