终极Will mix Archie with dramatization and explore key moments in science genius Einstein's let, and how his work change history's course. Everything he says in the film is taken from words he said or wrote.
终极Will mix Archie with dramatization and explore key moments in science genius Einstein's let, and how his work change history's course. Everything he says in the film is taken from words he said or wrote.
回复 :当五只巨齿鲨疯狂地折磨公海时,赌注从未如此之高。
回复 :修道院内,一切看来是那么宁静。爱玛快将宣誓晋升为修女之际,疏远已久的哥哥艾力突然到访,要求亡父遗产分一杯羹。妹妹是天使,艾力只是酗酒废青,神憎鬼厌。爱玛的静修被打扰,过去暗黑秘密亦逐一浮现。即使向上帝祷告亦难觅内心平静,只能以痛苦自残惩罚自己;以偷窃及谎言,企图掩饰难以承受的真相。决心侍奉上帝,却离神愈来愈远。丹麦导演卡特琳·勃劳克斯首作,探索圣人与罪人、完美与缺陷的共生关系。在悲剧的沉默里,救赎非来自上帝,而是自己。
回复 :在18世纪的英国,当地人相信“沼泽幽灵”。皇帝派遣皇家海军上校科利尔和他的船员,调查一个沿海城市非法走私的案