回复 : 公元37年,显赫一时的罗马帝国开始进入最为淫靡黑暗的时期。77岁的老皇帝提比略(Peter O'Toole 饰)残暴昏聩,阴森恶毒,而他的继任者卡里古拉(Malcolm McDowell 饰)则有过之而无不及。卡里古拉是提比略的养孙,他长期与妹妹朱西拉(Teresa A nn Savoy 饰)私通,在位期间以残酷的手段杀害百姓和大臣,并因此取乐。为了巩固政权,他更杀害自己的弟弟以及曾帮助他谋取皇位的卫队长马克(Guido Mannari 饰)。他爱谁?恨谁?似乎永不明了,只有无尽的欲望与探念将那人性不断吞噬,连同生命消亡殆尽……
回复 :为了照顾患癌的母亲,喜剧作家戴维搬回父母那里。这一年,母亲的健康每况愈下,父亲仍无法接受他的性取向,丢了工作,没了男友,过得很糟糕。当厄运降到别人头上时,总感觉是发生在其他人身上的事,怎料到,当厄运降到我们头上时,我们就成了其他人眼中的“其他人”。不过,在死亡面前,一切都变得微不足道......
回复 :Firenze's leading, very wealthy jewelers family heir Francesco Sabrini received a cryptic death treat on the back of a renaissance painting in their private attic collection. A masterly forgery was offered in Fabio Milus's Roman auction house, but German-born art expert Susanna Noll kept it back for investigation in he artist's home city, Florence, to consult her art history mentor, professor Andreas von Weissenfels. There she stays with friend Elisabeth Lanzi, who introduces here to Francesco and his family. During their research, which unearths modern crime with a link to a Renaissance-rumored fratricide, initially secretive Francesco and Susanna become lovers