春暖This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention for nearly 50 years.
春暖This feature-length documentary tells of the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party, one of the 20th century’s most alluring and controversial organizations that captivated the world’s attention for nearly 50 years.
回复 :瑞奇和朱丽安在监狱中结识,两人常常幻想出狱后的生活。出狱后,机缘巧合,两人通过一档电视节目,最终实现了幻想的美好生活。
回复 :龙家俊(刘德华饰)出身大富之家,事业有成,不仅是公司的董事长,还拥有数亿身价。只是感情方面一片空白,面对表妹(翁虹饰)的迷恋无动于衷,却对一个偶然在路上看到的女子月光(张敏饰)动了心。原来月光与老妈(叶德娴饰)在大屿山经营茶餐厅,老妈有时候靠打麻将出千赚点不义之财。无 独有偶,月光又碰巧进了龙家俊的公司,成了他公司的女员工。一次龙家俊和表妹游船河发生争执,被踢下海偶然混进偷渡客中,被警察追赶,误打误撞进了月光的家。他于是将计就计扮成大陆偷渡客在月光的小店里打起了工,而此时龙家俊的助手(吴孟达饰)正到处找他......
回复 :At the U.S. Secret Operations Center a small group of doctors led by Kim Delaney are experimenting with a metallic skin on a frozen cadaver. This particular body is that of a secret agent that succumbed twenty years earlier to self injection of a blood sample from a...werewolf. Barry Bostwick plays the evil Colonel harboring the blueprints for this gruesome experiment. Thus the Government has given life to a wolf-like creature with metal skin. The only reason I watched this is Kim Delaney. I'd watch her do a puppet show! Also in the cast are: Brian Brophy, Carole Davis, Tim Duquette and Kane Hodder as the MetalBeast. Pretty bad movie except for the last twenty minutes or so.