回复 :印尼籍少女Melati在過去六年一直致力於解決印尼日益嚴重的塑膠污染問題。她如世界各地的年青人一樣,一心要為人權、氣候、言論自由、社會公義、基本教育和温飽而鬥爭。Melati穿梭各國,希望重新認識她的世代。在一切趨向絕望的時代,年輕人欲教曉我們如何活下去,以及身為人類的我們該如何處世。
回复 :The American writer Joe arrives in Paris to research and write about Proust. He meets the Polish Karl and they become friends and costumers of brothels and restaurants. When the fifteen year-old Colette arrives in Paris, they both fall in love with her.Expatriate Henry Miller indulges in a variety of sexual escapades while struggling to establish himself as a serious writer in Paris.Very nice portrait of the thirties..., 23 April 2002Author: Oreste (oreste.sl@sympatico.ca) from Montréal, QuébecDifferent from many other Chabrol movies that follow "Hitchock-like" patterns, _Jours tranquilles à Clichy_ relates the days a young American writer (Henry Miller) spent in the Gay Paris of the early thirties, with his polish-descent friend and their young Colette, a 14 years old-ish girl with whom they both fall in love. The story in itself doesn't send us from a surprising even to another but slowly lifts the curtain over the prostitution, pornography, libertinage and partying that seemed to oppose Paris so much to New York, in the eyes of Miller, searching for a change from the dull like he lead before. The story is a quest for Proust and his lost time, a quest for a new life, for thrills, for truth in forgetting oneself...
回复 :浪漫愛情小說作家瑪麗,勾引胖女人露絲的老公鮑伯後,倆人進而同居,但日常家居生活顯然不若偷情有趣,原有的優美浪漫氣氛全然褪色,生活有了180度的轉變,接著又發生一連串意想不到的事情,胖女人露絲在婚變後不僅煥然一新,並且展開復仇大計﹍﹍﹍