回复 :颓废堕落的中年人藤岛昭和(役所广司 饰)也曾拥有幸福美满的家庭,身为刑警的他因暴打前妻桐子(黑泽明日香 饰)的情人而被迫提前退休。在看不见未来的最低端,他接到桐子打来的电话,原来藤岛的女儿加奈子(小松菜奈 饰)已失踪多日。出于复杂的感情,这个粗鲁凶暴的男人风风火火展开调查,他走访了加奈子身边的人,包括高中同学森下(桥本爱 饰)和长野(森川葵 饰)、班主任东里惠(中谷美纪 饰)以及精神科医生辻村(国村隼 饰),从这些人的口中,却发现女儿天使般的外表下似乎住着一个可以让所有人堕落乃至遭遇不幸的魔鬼。藤岛全速奔跑 ,另一伙危险的人马也介入进来……本片根据深町秋生的推理小说《无尽的渴望》改编。
回复 :An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are failed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis.Directors Paula Eiselt and Tonya Lewis Lee follow Gibson’s and Isaac’s bereaved partners, Omari Maynard and Bruce McIntyre, as they fight for justice and build communities of support, bonding especially with other surviving Black fathers. Their tragic, individual experiences are punctuated with condemning historical context, showing that gynecology has a long-standing history of exploiting and neglecting Black women in America. In the arresting words of mother-to-be Felicia Ellis, “A Black woman having a baby is like a Black man at a traffic stop with the police.” She emphasizes that paying attention is paramount. Aftershock brings an unsettling reality to the forefront while uplifting the families, activists, and birth workers who are striving to bring institutional change and legislative reform. These mothers will not be forgotten.
回复 :范•维尔德(瑞恩•雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)迎来了他在库立吉学院的第七个新学年,这位留级之王是学院内的活跃人物,不定期拥有社团会长、校园运动发起者以及篮球社中场精神教父等多重身份。来自印度的交换生泰吉(卡尔•潘 Kal Penn 饰)羡慕美国学生的生活,于是投奔维尔德做了他的助理。维尔德的父亲不堪忍受儿子的不长进,毅然中断了对他的资助,原本风光的维尔德此时不得不为了两万美元分期交付的学费发愁。校刊记者葛文(塔拉•雷德 Tara Reid 饰)对维尔德大有兴趣,贴身采访撰写关于他的报道,困窘中的维尔德偶然接到有偿帮助组织舞会的要求,自此开始从事舞会经纪人以补贴学费,葛文的报道令维尔德声名鹊起,而两人的关系也越发密切,这激起了葛文男友的愤怒,他计划向维尔德发起报复……